Module-Which version 0.01 ========================= C is the basis of the script C intented to show which version of a Perl module is installed (if it is there at all). Modules are searched by name (like 'YAML') or by subcategories ('DBD::*' means all modules under the DBD subdirectories of your Perl installation, matching both 'DBD::Oracle' and 'DBD::ODBC::Changes'). This module is very simple and most won't need it. But it has been instructive for the author to see how many broken modules one can find under your Perl installation (some which don't accept even a 'require' statement), modules with no version number and documentation files (named '.pm') which do not return a true value. To find out modules under subcategories, L by Christian Renz was used. Well, all that said, this module is no more than automating: perl -MModule::I::Want::To::Know::About -e "print $Module::I::Want::To::Know::About::VERSION" or better the one-liner perl -e '$pm = shift; eval "require $pm"; print ${"${pm}::VERSION"}' DBI INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Module::Find COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) 2005 by Adriano R. Ferreira This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.