Sx-2.1 Date: 12-Jun-95, 1-Aug-95, 7-Aug-95 ============================ Installation in (very) short ============================ - You need perl5.001m perl sources. - Unpack Sx package. Probably you've done this already, because you're reading this text. - Edit Sx/Makefile.PL: change DEFINE, INC, LIBS, etc. as needed. In particular, if you want to compile for the 3d version of Xaw, you should include '-lXaw3d' in LIBS and '-DXAW3D' in INCS. - Edit Sx/sx/libsx_defs: change CC, CFLAGS and RANLIB as needed. Here too, make sure to include '-DXAW3D' in CFLAGS if you want to compile for the 3d version of Xaw. - Create a new Makefile by cd Sx perl Makefile.PL - Compile the package by make - Install the package to perl lib dir by make install - Read the manpage: from within Sx source directory by pod2man Sx.pod | nroff -man | more - Thanks to - Dominic Giampaolo . - Andreas Koppenhoefer - and everyone on the perl5-porters list.