PDFprint is a very flexible tool to print PDF files (or parts of them) from different directories and recursively from every subdirectories (in the future, from FTP and HTTP sites) to a printer or to the monitor, in PostScript format or in text format. PDFprint can also help you to print PostScript files (or parts of them) from different directories and recursively from every subdirectories (in the future, from FTP and HTTP sites) to a printer or to the monitor, in PostScript format or in text format. PDFprint can also help you to print HTML files (or parts of them) from different directories and recursively from every subdirectories (in the future, from FTP and HTTP sites) to a printer or to the monitor, in PostScript format or in text format. Home: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3469/pdfprint.html Enjoy it! Send me your suggestions. Fabrizio Pivari mailto:Pivari@geocities.com Home: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3469