NAME log-defer-viz - command-line utility for rendering log messages created by Log::Defer INPUT METHODS $ cat file.log | log-defer-viz $ log-defer-viz < file.log $ log-defer-viz file.log $ log-defer-viz file.log file2.log $ log-defer-viz archived.log.gz more_logs.bz2 INPUT FORMAT $ log-defer-viz file --input-format=json ## default is newline separated JSON $ log-defer-viz file --input-format=sereal ## Sereal::Decoder (not impl) $ log-defer-viz file --input-format=messagepack ## Data::MessagePack (not impl) $ log-defer-viz file --input-format=storable ## Storable (not impl) Note: The only input format currently implemented is newline-separated JSON. LOG MESSAGES $ log-defer-viz file ## by default shows error, warn, and info logs $ log-defer-viz file -v ## verbose mode (adds debug logs and more) $ log-defer-viz file --debug ## show debug logs $ log-defer-viz file --quiet ## only errors and warnings $ log-defer-viz file --verbosity 25 ## numeric verbosity threshold $ log-defer-viz file --nowarn ## muffle warn logs (so show error and info) $ log-defer-viz file --nologs ## don't show log section $ log-defer-viz file --nocolour ## turn off terminal colours TIMERS $ log-defer-viz file --timer-columns 80 ## width of timer chart $ log-defer-viz file --since-now ## show relative to now times ## like "34 minutes ago" $ log-defer-viz file --notimers ## don't show timer chart DATA SECTION Data is extra embedded information in the log file. The available outputs are "pretty-json", "json", "yaml", and "dumper". $ log-defer-viz file --data ## show data section. default is pretty-json $ log-defer-viz file --data-format=json ## compact, not pretty $ log-defer-viz file --data-format=dumper ## Data::Dumper $ log-defer-viz file --data-only ## only show data MISC $ log-defer-viz file --help ## the text you're reading now $ log-defer-viz file --grep '$_->{data}' ## grep for records that have a data section. ## $_ is the entire Log::Defer entry. SEE ALSO AUTHOR Doug Hoyte, "" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2013 Doug Hoyte. This module is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.