SYNOPSIS In your weaver.ini: [@Default] [-Ditaa] In the pod of one of your modules: =head1 HOW IT WORKS =begin ditaa +--------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | --+ ditaa +--> | | | Text | +-------+ |diagram| |Document| |!magic!| | | | {d}| | | | | +---+----+ +-------+ +-------+ : ^ | Lots of work | +-------------------------+ =end ditaa IN ACTION DESCRIPTION It has often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I find that sometimes a diagram truly can illuminate your design. This Pod::Weaver plugin allows you to put ditaa diagrams in your pod and render the image for an html view. In text mode it merely uses the text diagram directly. SYNTAX The ditaa syntax is documented here . DEBUGGING Set the DITAA_TRACE env var and you'll see all of the commands that this plugin runs printed to STDERR. If you set the env var to keep the temporary files referenced in the command will not automatically be deleted, so you can ensure that the text and image diagrams were created correctly. PERL SUPPORT POLICY Because this module is geared towards helping release code, as opposed to helping run code, I only aim at supporting the last 3 releases of Perl. So for example, at the time of writing that would be 5.22, 5.20, and 5.18. As an author who is developing against Perl and using this to release modules, you can use either perlbrew or plenv to get a more recent perl for building releases. Don't bother sending patches to support older versions; I could probably support 5.8 if I wanted, but this is more so that I can continue to use new perl features.