NAME Test::CheckChanges - Check that the Changes file matches the distribution. VERSION Version 0.06 SYNOPSIS use Test::CheckChanges; ok_changes(); You can make the test optional with use Test::More; eval 'use Test::CheckChanges;'; if ($@) { plan skip_all => 'Test::CheckChanges required for testing the Changes file'; } else { plan tests => 1; } ok_changes(); DESCRIPTION Currently only checks that the version in the changes file matches the version of the distrobution. The version is taken out of the Build data or the Makefile. FUNCTIONS All functions listed below are exported to the calling namespace. ok_changes( ) The ok_changes method takes no arguments and returns no value. CHANGES FILE FORMAT Currently this package parses 2 different types of "Changes" files. The first is the common, free style, "Changes" file where the version is first item on an unindetned line: 0.01 Fri May 2 15:56:25 EDT 2008 - more info The second type of file parsed is the Module::Changes::YAML format changes file. Create an RT if you need a different format file supported. If it is not horrid, I will add it. The Debian style "Changes" file will like be the first new format added. BUGS Please open an RT if you find a bug. AUTHOR "G. Allen Morris III" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 G. Allen Morris III, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.