NAME XHTML::Instrumented - packages to control XHTML VERSION Version 0.08 DESCRIPTION This package takes valid XHTML as input and outputs valid XHTML that may be changed in several ways. SYNOPSIS API Constructor new(file => [*filename* | SCALAR ]) Get a XHTML::Instrumented object. Functions parse(input) This causes the input to be parsed. if *input* is string it is assumed to be a filename. If *input* is a SCALAR is is treated as HTML; instrument This function take the template and the control structure and returns a block of XHTML. Methods output This returns the modified xhtml. get_form This returns a form object. loop headers => [array of headers] data => [arrays of data] default => default value for any undefined data inclusive => include the tag that started the loop inclusive is normally controlled in the template. replace args same as replace(args => { @_ }); Functions path Get the default path to the templates cachepath Get the default path to the compiled templates cachefile Get the full path and filename of the compiled template. get_tag('tag') Return a list of XHTML::Intramented::Entry objects that have type 'tag'; AUTHOR "G. Allen Morris III"