=head1 NAME Nama - Ecasound-based recorder/mixer =head1 ABOUT Nama is a recorder/mixer application using Ecasound to perform multitrack recording, effects processing, and mastering. Controlled by a command prompt or by an optional GUI, Nama makes multitrack audio production available to console users, and in remote or headless applications. Nama's features include tracks, buses, effects, presets, sends, inserts, marks and regions. Nama supports JACK and ALSA audio routing, and Ladish Level 1 session handling. All signal processing under Nama is non-destructive. Effects are generally applied in realtime, with track caching (intermediate mixdown) available to conserve CPU. Nama's command prompt is based on the GNU ReadLine library. Users can enter Nama commands, Ecasound interactive-mode commands, shell commands or perl code. Nama's optional GUI provides access to basic recording and effects processing functions. It is based on the Tk widget set. "Nama" is Japanese for "live", describing live performances, raw fish and draft beer. =head1 INSTALLATION =head2 Installing Nama and its Perl Dependencies from CPAN The following command will install Nama, automatically pulling in all Perl modules required to run Nama in text mode: PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpan Audio::Nama To use the GUI, you will need to install Tk: cpan Tk You may optionally install Audio::Ecasound to run Ecasound via libecasoundc: cpan Audio::Ecasound If you simply want a tarball to inspect or prod, look for a file named Audio-Nama-????.tar.gz in this directory: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GA/GANGLION/ =head2 Installing Nama Using the Debian Package System apt-get install libaudio-nama-perl =head2 Build from Source If you want to inspect or modify Nama's internals, you can pull the source code as follows: git clone git://github.com/bolangi/nama.git Consult the F file for build instructions. =head2 Non-Perl Dependencies (These dependencies are pulled in automatically if you install Nama using apt-get in a Debian system.) The Ecasound audio processing libraries should be installed. Ecasound should be compiled with support for LADSPA, libsndfile, libsamplerate and JACK. Ecasound may be obtained from http://ecasound.seul.org/ecasound/ or as precompiled binary package for your Un*x distribution. The LADSPA SDK is required to autosense LADSPA plugins and scaling hints. It is available at: http://www.ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/download.html In particular the utility program 'analyseplugin' must be installed in a directory in your execution PATH. Nama's mastering mode uses a number of LADSPA plugins. Defaults are specified in the configuration file .namarc. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2008, 2008 Joel Roth. =head1 LICENSE This software is licensed for use under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2. The text of this license is provided in the file COPYING that is included in this distribution. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.