Clone - recursively copy Perl datatypes ======================================= This module provides a ```clone()``` method which makes recursive copies of nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and objects. ```perl use Clone; my $data = { set => [ 1 .. 50 ], foo => { answer => 42, }, }; my $cloned_data = clone($data); $cloned_data->{foo}{answer} = 1; print $cloned_data->{foo}{answer}; # '1' print $data->{foo}{answer}; # '42' ``` You can also add it to your class: ```perl package Foo; use parent 'Clone'; package main; my $obj = Foo->new; my $copy = $obj->clone; ``` ```clone()``` takes a scalar argument and duplicates it. To duplicate lists, arrays or hashes, pass them in by reference. e.g. ```perl my $copy = clone (\@array); # or my %copy = %{ clone (\%hash) }; ``` See Also -------- [Storable]('s ```dclone()``` is a flexible solution for cloning variables, albeit slower for average-sized data structures. Simple and naive benchmarks show that Clone is faster for data structures with 3 or less levels, while ```dclone()``` can be faster for structures 4 or more levels deep. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright 2001-2014 Ray Finch. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.