This distribution is my contribution to the ever growing collection of Tk Widgets, currently it includes Tk::Cloth - An OO interface to Tk::Canvas Tk::Pane - A widget panner (view only part of a widget) Tk::TFrame - A frame with a title The documentation is minimal (or even non-existant) but I was requested to release them before my life enters a stage of turmoil (I am moving to the US real soon). I will release better documentation after I have settled. In the mean time the I hope the examples directory is sufficient. Also in the works are :- Tk::MenuEntry - a text entry with a menu Tk::Statusbar - a widget to show completion status etc Tk::ListMgr - A widget that manages lists in various ways eg, multi column, array Tk::IFrame - An index frame (ie has tabs to select which sub-frame is viewable) Tk::NumEntry - An entry widget that accepts numbers and has up/down buttons for in/decrement. These will hopefully be in the next release, but my time is very limited at the moment. Feel free to mail me if you are interesed in seeing what I have, but I don't feel they are ready for release yet. Please mail all bugs/comments directly to me as I do not read the Tk lists on a regular basis. Copyright (c) 1997 Graham Barr . All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Share and Enjoy !