# NAME Alien::APE::Server - Packages the APE-Project (Ajax Push Engine) Server. # SYNOPSIS use Alien::APE::Server; print Alien::APE::Server->root; print Alien::APE::Server->aped; Alien::APE::Server->start_dist_aped; # DESCRIPTION This version is based on the github version of APE as described by: __v1.0-49-ga5d079c__ For using this package, you must furfill all the requirements needed for build APE-Server from source. You can read about that here: . The part about the ./build.sh and the complete download of the source is taken care of by this package. # METHODS - __root__ Gives back the directory root of the ape-server installation - __aped__ Gives back the filename of the ape-server aped binary - __start_dist_aped__ Will directly startup the ape-server with the unmodified configuration # SEE ALSO [Net::APE](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Net::APE) APE-Project home page: # AUTHOR Torsten Raudssus # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests through the following methods: # SUPPORT - __IRC__ You can find me on __irc.freenode.net__ on __#ape-project__ as __Getty__. Or somewhere on __irc.perl.org__ with the same nickname. - __Repository__ - __Issue Tracker__ # COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Torsten Raudssus, all rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute APE-Server and this Perl modules under the GPL2 license.