WWW::Search::Scraper WWW::Search::Sherlock WWW::Search::Scraper::* WWW::SearchResult::* These modules scrape data from search engines on the WWW (much like Apple's Sherlock, but these are more capable, complete, and accurate.) Complete documentation can be found in WWW::Search::Scraper and WWW::Search::Sherlock. Special options for each type of search engine are documented in their respective modules. Examples include: 1. SearchApartments - illustrates how to easily set up and use one search engine. 2. Sherlock - illustrates the ease of adapting any Sherlock plugin. 3. Scraper - illustrates how SearchResult sub-classing can be used to build a more generalized search engine scraper. You can see how this can be extended to build a multi-engine scraper. If you want to write new Scraper modules to access new search engines, see FlipDog.pm for the current "best practices". Happy Hunting! AUTHOR: Glenn Wood, glenwood@alumni.caltech.edu #---------------------------------------------------------------------# ( $VERSION ) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.35 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) v1.35 - Added FlipDog.com, and a few features to Scraper.pm (e.g. 'BOGUS', etc). v1.34 - Introduced SearchResult sub-classing, with illustration in eg/Scraper.pl Improved reliability of BAJobs.pm Dice.com changed the result page format, again. I hope this version of Dice.pm will be more adaptive to Dice.com's future changes. Added www.computerjobs.com and www.techies.com (which still has a problem) Added examples: eg/SearchApartments, improved eg/Scraper. v1.33 - Added www.apartments.com, and eg/Sherlock.pl