Net::ICQ This is a really unfinished module for communicating with an ICQ server. *** YOU CAN'T USE IT YET. IT'S NOT FINISHED. BUT IT'S GETTING THERE!! It's here because others are helping me create it and this is the easient way to share code :) CHANGES ======= Most recent changes are: 0.07 -> 0.08 - dword_2_hex renamed dword_to_chars to match other names. - utility function decimal_to_hex added. - Example client now uses config files, sorta. - Added new 'Birthday' status. - New skeleton function receive_end_contactlist_status(), receive_not_logged_in(). - Added new server packet 0xF000, NOT_LOGGED_IN. - Altered logon sequence according to what Graham Roff posted to the list about it. - Renamed some packet types (and associated functions, etc.) to be more clear: LOGIN_1 to REQUEST_OFFLINE_MESSAGES, REPLY_X1 to END_CONTACTLIST_STATUS, REPLY_X2 to END_OFFLINE_MESSAGES, CMD_X1 to ACK_OFFLINE_MESSAGES, INSTALLING ========== After unzipping and untarring the distribution directory, you install the library by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install CONTACTS ======== To contact me directly, is best. The icq-dev mailing list is for all the ICQ clones being developed, see for details. There is an icq-perl mailing list specifically for people with an interest in Net::ICQ. Anybody interested in helping with development or testing is encouraged to subscribe, as are people who just want to keep track of what's going on with Net::ICQ. It's a standard majordomo list if you grok them, or trot along to to subscribe with a nifty web interface. CREDITS ======= (Names in [...] are those used in the Changes file) [Jah] - Jah Raphael DISCLAIMERS =========== I am in no way affiliated with Mirabilis! This program was made without any help from Mirabilis or their consent. Not reverse engineering or decompilation of any Mirabilis code took place to make this program. Copyright (c) 1998 Bek Oberin. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.