This is a simple combination of a small C module for apache and another one in Perl for mod_perl In lots of cases , you end up with a lightweight docserver in front of a heavyweight mod_perl enabled server. This is a good thing for speed and performance (see The problem this combination tries to solve is that the mod_perl server doesn't know anything about the client connection, since it's only talking to a doc server. Install the C module in the doc server like so cd apache-src ./configure --with-plenty-of-options -add-module=/path/to/mod_proxy_add_info.c And you just need to put the Perl module in the mod_perl server perl Makefile.PL make && make test && make install And in httpd.conf PerlModule Apache::Proxy::Info PerlTransHandler Apache::Proxy::Info; Currently 3 pieces of information are passed thru $r->connection->remote_ip() $ENV{'HTTPS'} $r->header_in('Host'); Enjoy!