Copyright (c) 2001, Greg London All rights reserved Parse::Nibbler is an alpha release of a pure perl based parser. It is a parser designed to parse HUGE files, a little bit at a time. Grammars are written in pure perl using subroutines defined in the Parse::Nibbler package. An example package is included in the t/ directory called t/ This is a perl module which defines a subset of the Verilog Grammar. It parses approximately 125 lines of Verilog per second. which ain't exactly great, but it ain't too bad either. The only current debugging feature is to put -DEBUG on the command line when you run the perl script. This will spit out what rule is being tested and whether it passed or failed. The reason it's called Parse::Nibbler is because it parses part of a file at a time. Rather than read an entire file into memory as a string, it keeps a file-handle open as it parses, and checks to see where in the string it is currently parsing. As it nears the end of the string, it reads some more text in. As the current position goes far beyond the beginning of the string, it deletes the text from teh beggining of the string. Basically, it nibbles at a file while it parses. Currently, the only debug support is to call the script with the -DEBUG command line option. This will dump out rules as they are being tested, and whether they pass or fail. The current version is pure procedurally based perl code. I had written another Verilog grammar using Parse::RecDescent, and it parsed about 10 lines of verilog per __minute__. And I only found this out after debugging a 1500 rule grammar. That hurt. So, I was a little concerned about speed, especially since I specifically wanted to parse huge files. I've been told that OOPerl is much slower than procedural perl. I'm not sure if it is worth it or not to use the procedural approach. The only way to find out is to rewrite it using OOPerl, and do benchmark. The code is a little difficult to use in procedural form. Anyway, I wanted to release this to CPAN and see if anyone else found it useful or interesting. I also wanted to get it out before I went on vacation. This module has been on my to-do list for a couple of years now. See Hardware::Verilog::Parser my first attempt at doing this. Hardware::Verilog::Parser uses Parse::RecDescent, and it's taken me two years to find some time to learn how parsers work and write my own. Hope you find it useful. If there's interest, I'll spend some time to clean it up. Otherwise I'll use it for my own purposes. And maybe turn it into a specialized Verilog parser. Greg