SymbolTable - An easy interface to symbol tables ( no eval() and no typeglobs ) You can use SymbolTable to export subroutines, convert someone else's package variable into a constant, change your own subroutines, and hack and slash at perl's symbol table without a single call to eval and without using a single typeglob. # print a representation of all package names current used. use SymbolTable; my $st = SymbolTable->New('PACKAGE', 'main'); sub ShowPackages { my ($symbol_table, $indent)=@_; while( my($subpkgname, $subpkgsymtab)= each(%$symbol_table)) { print $indent.$subpkgname."\n"; ShowPackages($subpkgsymtab, $indent."\t"); } } ShowPackages($st, "\t"); When I ran the above example, it printed out the text below. Note that package Data::Dumper translates into a package 'Data' containing a package 'Dumper'. Here's my output: attributes DB Data Dumper overload UNIVERSAL DynaLoader Exporter Heavy warnings IO Handle strict Carp Heavy XSLoader mypackage subpackage belowpackage SymbolTable Tie Have fun. Copyright (c) 2002, Greg London. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see