Perl5 SNMP Extension Module Version 1.7 (supports UCD port only) 6/16/96 G.S.Marzot( Introduction: This is a Perl5 extension module which provides an interface to the UCD port of the CMU SNMP toolkit/library. This version was developed on a linux box and tested with perl5.004 and ucd-snmp-3.2 (based on cmu-snmp- There have been reports of success on sunos, hpux, aix, irix and solaris systems so far. (Let me know of problems and/or successes on other boxes please) The most recent version of the module can be retrieved from ftp:/ (as well as the usual perl archives, CPAN) The ucd port of cmu source may be found at the following location: (NOTE: this release supports the UCD port exclusively and provides only SNMP v1 functionality - work is being done on a version of this module which will interface to an updated, SNMPv2c , version of the mainline CMU code - see XXXX for more details) Description: The basic operations offered by SNMP are provided through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use. The primary class is SNMP::Session which is implemented as a blessed hash reference. This class supplies 'get', 'fget', 'set', and 'getnext' method calls. All calls are currently blocking/synchronous (i.e., they must receive a response or timeout before control is returned to the caller - an asyncronous implementation is very high on the todo list). The methods take a variety of input argument formats (see below). A description of the fields which can be initialized/overriden when a SNMP::Session object is created follows: SNMP::Session public: DestHost - default 'localhost', hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent Community - default 'public', SNMP community string Version - default '1', v1 support only for now RemotePort - default '161', allow remote UDP port to be overriden Timeout - default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry Retries - default '5', retries before failure RetryNoSuch - default '1', 'get' request NOSUCH errors in the pdu will be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent - undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, setting to '0' disables this feature and the entire get request will fail on any NOSUCH error VarFormats - default 'undef', used by 'fget', holds an hash reference of output value formatters, (e.g., { => , ... }, must match the and format used in the get operation. A special , '*', may be used to apply all s, the supplied sub is called to translate the value to a new format. The sub is called passing the Varbind as the arg TypeFormats - default 'undef', used by 'fget', holds an hash reference of output value formatters, (e.g., { => , ... }, the supplied sub is called to translate the value to a new format, unless a VarFormat mathces first (e.g., $session->{TypeFormats}{INTEGER} = \&mapEnum();) ErrorStr - read-only, holds the error message assoc. w/ last request ErrorNum - read-only, holds the snmp_err or staus of last request ErrorInd - read-only, holds the snmp_err_index when appropriate private: DestAddr - internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field SessPtr - internal field used to cache a created session structure methods: new() - Constructs a new SNMP::Session object. The fields are passed to the contructor as a hash list (e.g., $session = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'foo', Community => 'private'); get() - do SNMP GET, multiple formats accepted, updates , returns retrieved value(s) fget() - do SNMP GET and format the values according the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and $sess->{TypeFormats} getnext() - do SNMP GETNEXT, multiple formats accepted, updates , returns retrieved value(s) set() - do SNMP SET, multiple formats accepted, returns snmp_errno getbulk(, , ) - * Not Implemented * may be one of the following forms: SNMP::VarList: - Implemeted as a blessed reference to an array of SNMP::Varbinds, [, , ...] SNMP::Varbind: - Implemeted as a blessed reference to a 4 element array; [, , , ]. - one of the following forms: 1) leaf identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr') assumed to be unique for practical purposes 2) fully qualified identifier (e.g., '') 3) fully qualified, dotted-decimal, numeric OID (e.g., '.') - the dotted-decimal, instance identifier. for scalars use '0' - the SNMP data value retrieved from, or being set to, the agent - SNMP data type, this field need not be supplied for set operations to attributes already described in the Mib. If a numeric OID is used to set an object which is not in the Mib being used, must be supplied (see 'getType' for values) simple scalar - light weight form of used to 'set' or 'get' a single attribute without constructing an SNMP::Varbind. (e.g., 'sysDescr.0'). for 'set' operations the value is passed as a second arg. This form is not updated in getnext and only returns values on the stack SNMP package variables and functions: $SNMP::VERSION - the current version specifier (e.g., 1.7) $SNMP::auto_init_mib - default '1', enables the immediate loading of the ASN.1 mib when the package is loaded - if set to '0' mib loading must be done explicitly (see SNMP::setMib) $SNMP::verbose - default '0', verbosity level, 0 => no output &SNMP::setMib() - allows dynamic (re)parsing of the mib and explicit specification of mib file independent of enviroment variables. called with no args will exhibit default behaviour indicated by environment variables (see ucd mib_api docs). subsequent calls to setMib will cause previous mib to be freed and replaced. &SNMP::addMib() - allows dynamic (re)parsing of the mib and explicit specification of mib file to be added to currently pare seed Mib tree &SNMP::translateObj() - will convert a text object tag to an OID and vice-versa. iid suffix is retained numerically &SNMP::getType() - return SNMP data type for given textual identifier OBJECTID, OCTETSTR, INTEGER, NETADDR, IPADDR, COUNTER GAUGE, TIMETICKS, OPAQUE, or undef &SNMP::mapEnum() - converts integer value to enumertion tag defined in Mib Installation: build/install ucd-snmp-3.2 libsnmp.a (e.g., /usr/local/lib) make sure header files are available someplace (e.g., /usr/local/include) after that it is basically perl Makefile.PL make make test make install the SNMP tool-kit requires that an ASN.1 mib be available. 'mib.txt' is the default name looked for first in the local directory and then in /etc. See UCD/CMU-SNMP docs for details on overriding the default or set mib explicitly with SNMP::setMib and SNMP::addMib. ------ Many thanks to those in the Perl community and perl5-porters list who helped immensely. bugs, comments, questions to ------ Bugs fixed and changes in 1.7 1) fixed seg fault on use of unknown/unparsed attribute in Varbind or passed to translateObj 2) fixed truncation of last char of attribute name in tranlsateObj 3) handles variable args to setMib without complaint 4) added SNMP::getType to query data type of a given attribute and extended Varbind structure to hold type as well 5) added RemotePort to SNMP::Session initialation list to allow override of port 161 6) removed noisy announcement of mib parse success unless verbose is set *WARNING* *this may break existing scripts* 7) changed return format for IpAddress and ObjID data types - these are now always returned as dotted decimal strings as opposed to the packed binary forms in 1.6 *WARNING* *this may break existing scripts* 8) Session now sets ErrorInd (e.g., $session->{ErrorInd}) where appropriate 9) Fully qualified attriubute names and numeric OIDs are now valid defintions. 10) Numeric OIDs can be used even if they have not been parsed in the current Mib (note: must be supplied)