NAME CGI::ContactForm - Perl extension for generating a web contact form SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use lib '/path/to/lib'; (For the case this module, or any module it's dependent on, is installed in a local library.) use CGI::ContactForm; contactform ( recname => 'John Smith', \ recmail => '', } Compulsory smtp => '', / styleurl => '/style/ContactForm.css', \ returnlinktext => 'Back', } Optional returnlinkurl => '/some/url', / ); DESCRIPTION This module generates a contact form for the web when the routine "contactform()" is called from a CGI script. The CGI script shall consist of just a few lines of code like in the example under SYNOPSIS above. The arguments are passed to the module as a list of key/value pairs. "CGI::ContactForm" sends a well formated (plain text format=flowed in accordance with RFC 2646) email message, with the sender's address in the "From:" header, and the sender gets a "bcc" copy. If the email address stated by the sender is invalid, the failure message is sent to the recipient address, through which you know that you don't need to bother with a reply, at least not to that address... INSTALLATION Installation with Makefile.PL Type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install Manual Installation * Download and extract the distribution file. * Designate a directory as your local library for Perl modules, for instance /cgi-bin/lib * Create the directory "/cgi-bin/lib/CGI", and upload "" to that directory. If "Mail::Sender" and "Text::Flowed" (see DEPENDENCIES below) need to be installed manually, you shall create "/cgi-bin/lib/Mail" and "/cgi-bin/lib/Text" and upload "" respective "" to those directories. DEPENDENCIES "CGI::ContactForm" requires these modules, available at CPAN: Mail::Sender Text::Flowed It also requires direct access to an SMTP server. EXAMPLES An example CGI script ("") and a style sheet ("ContactForm.css") are included in the distribution. VERSION HISTORY v0.1 (Feb 3, 2003) Initial release. LATEST VERSION The latest version of "CGI::ContactForm" is available at: AUTHOR Copyright © 2003 Gunnar Hjalmarsson This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.