NAME CGI::ContactForm - Perl extension for generating a web contact form SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use lib '/path/to/lib'; (For the case this module, or any module it's dependent on, is installed in a local library.) use CGI::ContactForm; contactform ( recname => 'John Smith', \ recmail => '', } Compulsory smtp => '', / styleurl => '/style/ContactForm.css', \ returnlinktext => 'Back', } Optional returnlinkurl => '/some/url', / ); DESCRIPTION This module generates a contact form for the web when the routine "contactform()" is called from a CGI script. The CGI script shall consist of just a few lines of code like in the example under SYNOPSIS above. The arguments are passed to the module as a list of key/value pairs. "CGI::ContactForm" sends a well formated (plain text format=flowed in accordance with RFC 2646) email message, with the sender's address in the "From:" header, and the sender gets a "bcc" copy. If the email address stated by the sender is invalid, the failure message is sent to the recipient address, through which you know that you don't need to bother with a reply, at least not to that address... INSTALLATION Installation with Makefile.PL Type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install Manual Installation * Download and extract the distribution file. * Designate a directory as your local library for Perl modules, for instance /cgi-bin/lib * Create the directory "/cgi-bin/lib/CGI", and upload "" to that directory. If "Mail::Sender" and "Text::Flowed" (see DEPENDENCIES below) need to be installed manually, you shall create "/cgi-bin/lib/Mail" and "/cgi-bin/lib/Text" and upload "" respective "" to those directories. DEPENDENCIES "CGI::ContactForm" requires these modules, available at CPAN: Mail::Sender Text::Flowed It also requires direct access to an SMTP server. EXAMPLES An example CGI script ("") and a style sheet ("ContactForm.css") are included in the distribution. Note that the style sheet typically needs to be located somewhere outside the cgi-bin. VERSION HISTORY v0.3 (Feb 7, 2003) Check of email syntax modified (hopefully now closer to RFC 822). Better structured code, which now should be more easy to follow. v0.2 (Feb 5, 2003) Referer check in order to only accept data input from the generated form. Improved email validation. v0.1 (Feb 3, 2003) Initial release. LATEST VERSION The latest version of "CGI::ContactForm" is available at: AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright © 2003 Gunnar Hjalmarsson This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.