# NAME App::Sv - Event-based multi-process supervisor # SYNOPSIS my $sv = App::Sv->new( run => { x => 'plackup -p 3010 ./sites/x/app.psgi', y => { cmd => 'plackup -p 3011 ./sites/y/app.psgi' start_retries => 5, restart_delay => 1, start_wait => 1, stop_wait => 2, umask => '027', user => 'www', group => 'www' }, }, global => { listen => '', umask => '077' }, ); $sv->run; # DESCRIPTION This module implements an event-based multi-process supervisor. It takes a list of commands to execute and starts each one, and then monitors their execution. If one of the programs dies, the supervisor will restart it after `restart_delay` seconds. If a program respawns during `restart_delay` for `start_retries` times, the supervisor gives up and stops it indefinitely. You can send SIGTERM to the supervisor process to kill all childs and exit. You can also send SIGINT (Ctrl-C on your terminal) to restart the processes. If a second SIGINT is received and no child process is currently running, the supervisor will exit. This allows you to tap Ctrl-C twice in quick succession in a terminal window to terminate the supervisor and all child processes. # METHODS ## new my $sv = App::Sv->new({ run => {...}, global => {...}, log => {...} }); Creates a supervisor instance with a list of commands to monitor. It accepts an anonymous hash with the following options: - run A hash reference with the commands to execute and monitor. Each command can be a scalar, or a hash reference. - run->{$name}->{cmd} The command to execute and monitor, along with command line options. Each command should be a scalar. This can also be passed as `run->{$name}` if no other options are specified. In this case the supervisor will use the default values. - run->{$name}->{start\_retries} Specifies the number of execution attempts. For every command execution that fails within `restart_delay`, a counter is incremented until it reaches this value when no further execute attempts are made and the command is marked as _fail_. Otherwise the counter is reset. The default value for this option is 8 start attempts. - run->{$name}->{restart\_delay} Delay service restart by `restart_delay` seconds. The default is 1 second. - run->{$name}->{start\_wait} Number of seconds to wait before checking if the service is up and running and updating its state accordingly. The default is 1 second. - run->{$name}->{stop\_wait} Number of seconds to wait before checking if the service has stopped and send it SIGKILL if it hasn't. The default is 2 seconds. - run->{$name}->{umask} This option sets the specified umask before executing the command. Its value is converted to octal. - run->{$name}->{user} Specifies the user name to run the command as. - run->{$name}->{group} Specifies the group to run the command as. - global A hash reference with the global configuration. - global->{listen} The `host:port` to listen on. Also accepts unix domain sockets, in which case the host part should be `unix:/` and the port part should be the path to the socket. If this is a TCP socket, then the host part should be an IP address. - global->{umask} This option sets the umask for the supervisor process. Its value is converted to octal. This acts as a global umask when no `run->{$name}->{umask}` option is set. - log A hash reference with the logging options. - log->{level} Enables logging at the given level and all lower (higher priority) levels. This should be an integer between 1 (fatal) and 9 (trace). For the actual names, see [AnyEvent::Log](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?AnyEvent::Log). If `SV_DEBUG` is set this defaults to 8 (debug), otherwise it defaults to 5 (warn). - log->{file} If this option is set, all the log messages are appended to this file. By default messages go to STDOUT or STDERR. - log->{ts\_format} This option defines timestamp format for the log messages, using `strftime`. The default format is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z". ## run $sv->run; Starts the supervisor, start all the child processes and monitors each one. This method returns when the supervisor is stopped with either a SIGINT or a SIGTERM. # ENVIRONMENT - SV\_DEBUG If set to a true value, the supervisor will show debug information. # SEE ALSO [App::SuperviseMe](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?App::SuperviseMe), [ControlFreak](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?ControlFreak), [Supervisor](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Supervisor)