RDF::Trine - An RDF Framework for Perl.
RDF::Trine provides an RDF framework with an emphasis on extensibility, API
stability, and the presence of a test suite. The package consists of several
* RDF::Trine::Model - RDF model providing access to a triple store.
* RDF::Trine::Parser - Native RDF parsers (RDF/XML, RDFa, Turtle, and RDF/JSON).
* RDF::Trine::Store::DBI - A triple store for MySQL and SQLite, based on the
Redland schema.
* RDF::Trine::Iterator - Iterator classes for variable bindings and RDF
statements, used by RDF::Trine::Store, RDF::Trine::Model, and RDF::Query.
* RDF::Trine::Namespace - A convenience class for easily constructing RDF
node objects from URI namespaces.
To install RDF::Trine you'll need the following perl modules installed:
* Data::UUID
* DBD::SQLite
* Digest::MD5
* Digest::SHA1
* Error
* HTTP::Negotiate
* LWP::UserAgent
* List::Util
* List::MoreUtils
* Log::Log4perl
* Math::BigInt
* Math::Combinatorics
* Scalar::Util
* Set::Scalar
* Text::CSV
* Text::Table
* Time::HiRes
* Unicode::Escape
* Unicode::String
* XML::CommonNS
* XML::Namespace
The following additional modules are optional:
* DBD::Pg
* DBD::Mysql
* Test::More
* Test::Exception
* RDF::RDFa::Parser
To install, run:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Version 0.129 (2010-XX-XX)
* Updated Makefile.PL and RDF::Trine to require perl v5.8.3.
* Fixed bug in promotion of temporary models from memory-backed to a SQLite-backed store.
* Fixed RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->new to bless into backend-specific classes when passed a database handle (bug report from tobyink).
* Updated RDF::Trine::Node::Literal to produce more accurate canonical lexical forms for xsd types.
* Added RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->is_valid_lexical_form method.
* Added support for special union-graph 'tag:gwilliams@cpan.org,2010-01-01:RT:ALL'.
* Added exportable constants for UNION_GRAPH and NIL_GRAPH in RDF::Trine.
Version 0.128 (2010-09-28)
* Added .owl as a recognized RDF/XML file extension for the fallback parser guessing code.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL preventing access to the default graph.
* Added new_with_config method to allow interactive configuration via rqsh.pl.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->init to (partially) work if called for a new model (but the database has already been initialized).
* Fixed call to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_into_model in bin/rdf_store_add_file.pl.
* Fixed call to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model in RDF::Trine::Store::Memory.
* Removed RDF::Redland dependency in bin/rdf_store_add_file.pl.
* Added introspective _config_meta method to RDF::Trine::Store subclasses to allow interactive configuration.
* Added RDF::Trine::Store->class_by_name class method.
* Added etag method to RDF::Trine::Model and RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to allow for HTTP caching.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->canonicalize_literal_value coercion of xsd:decimal values.
* Added optional flag to RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new to attempt to canonicalize recognized XSD values.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Exporter::CSV to accept a graph iterator (for serializing s,p,o as CSV).
* Added RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->clear_restrictions method (suggestion and partial patch from tobyink).
* Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Redland to improve efficiency (based on suggestions from Dorian Taylor).
* Added native redland parser class and tests (patch from Dorian Taylor).
* Added RDF::Trine::Iterator->each method (requested by tobyink).
* Made code updates to improve performance based on profiling.
* Updated to use URI 1.52 to allow direct usage of IRIs without unicode workarounds.
* Added content-sniffing to fallback parser guessing code for RDF/XML and Turtle.
* Lowered required version of redland in RDF::Trine::Parser::Redland to
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer->serializer_names method for listing available serializers.
* Added as_string method to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Boolean and RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph.
Version 0.127 (2010-08-30)
* Removed redundant prerequisite for XML::LibXML::SAX from Makefile.PL.
* RDF::Trine::Model->bounded_description now catches and ignores UnimplementedError exceptions.
* Added heuristics support for TriG, RDF/JSON, and N-Quads to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model.
* Added ability to specify the base URI for serializing RDF/XML and Turtle (patch from KjetilK).
Version 0.126 (2010-08-16)
* Fixed N-Triples serialization escaping bug for strings whose only escapable character is '\'.
* Fixed typo in handling of RDF::Trine::Node::Formula extension.
* RDF::Trine::Model->new will now return a temporary model when called with no arguments.
* Updated get_pattern methods in Model and Store classes to return VariableBindings objects.
* Updated DBI backend to allow no-op adding of the nil node.
* Updated SPARQL backend to use SPARQL 1.1 Update and Aggregate operations.
* Updated Memory and Hexastore backends to support 'graph' key in _new_with_config().
* Improved error messages in N-Triples and N-Quads parsers.
* Fixed column naming bug in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->get_contexts.
* Added begin_bulk_ops() and end_bulk_ops() hint methods to RDF::Trine::Model.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser to call begin_bulk_ops() and end_bulk_ops() on model object.
* Updated DBI backend to use transactions when bulk_ops hints are used.
* Added '==' and 'eq' overloading to RDF::Trine::Graph class.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Model->bounded_description to traverse backwards links across blank nodes.
Version 0.125 (2010-07-29)
* Fixed hash collision bug in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI handling of literals with values '' and '0'.
* Added RDF::Trine::VariableBindings class (ported from RDF::Query).
* Iterators constructed from SPARQL XML Results format now return variable bindings objects.
* Turtle serialization to strings now only declares prefixes that are used in the data.
* Added media types and URIs for N-Quads parser and serializer.
* Added RDF::Trine::Statement->rdf_compatible method (patch from tobyink).
* Changed RDF::Trine::Model node methods (subjects, predicates, objects) to use quad semantics and accept a graph parameter.
* Add documentation for new_with_object.
* Add documentation for the hashref config.
* Improved efficiency of counting quad patterns in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI.
* Fixed bug in N-Triples serializer (was serializing quads).
* Added %format_uris registry for parsers and serializers.
* Added RDF::Trine::Model::as_string method.
* Require XML::LibXML 1.70.
* Removed unused variable in RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFXML.
* Added character encoding declaration to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->print_xml.
* Added character encoding declaration to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Boolean->print_xml.
Version 0.124 (2010-06-21)
* Updated quality value heuristics in RDF::Trine::Serializer::negotiate to prefer turtle if no accept headers are supplied.
* Added ability for RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to load RDF files by URI in _new_with_string.
* Added default implementation of RDF::Trine::Serializer::serialize_iterator_to_file.
* RDF::Trine::Serializer::negotiate now slightly prefers turtle.
* Added RDF::Trine::Iterator->count method.
* Fixed RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string to respect $max_result_size argument.
* RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string now returns unescaped strings.
* Added ability to access the number of rows returned from RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::parse_url_into_model to fall back on file extension heuristics if the media-type based parse fails.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON to throw an error if input isn't valid JSON.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Model to throw an error if not passed a store object.
* Added RDF::Trine::Model::Dataset for constructing views over a model, and RDF::Trine::Model->dataset_model constructor method.
* Fixed bug in handling of quads in RDF::Trine::Model::get_pattern and RDF::Trine::Store::get_pattern.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI and RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to not return the default (nil) context from get_contexts.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store::Memory::_get_statements_quad that would infinite loop after removing statements.
* RDF::Trine::Store doesn't load RDF::Redland (now only checks if it is already loaded).
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store subclasses registering their class names in %STORE_CLASSES.
* Added missing use of Encode to RDF::Trine::Store::Redland.
* Made $RDF::Trine::Store::Redland::NIL_TAG globally accessible.
* Added bin/rdf_transcode.pl for (streaming) conversion between RDF serialization formats.
* Updated POD tests to not use taint mode (and synced between R::T and R::Q).
* Changed test data in t/iterator-thaw.t.
* Removed RDF::Core as a prerequisite in META.yml.
* Added default implementation of RDF::Trine::Serializer::serialize_iterator_to_file.
* RDF::Trine::Serializer::negotiate now slightly prefers turtle.
Version 0.123 (2010-05-13)
* Added turtle utf8 decoding for Turtle parser.
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::media_types method.
* Added RDF::Trine::Store::new_with_object method.
* Fixed unicode encoding bug in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI.
* RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples::Canonical.pm now inherits from RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples.
* Cleaned up VERSION declarations.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::parse_url_into_model to fall back on file extension heuristics if the media-type based parse fails.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON to throw an error if input isn't valid JSON.
* Added character decoding to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model.
Version 0.122 (2010-05-05)
* Added RDF::Trine::Model::bounded_description method.
* Added initial implementation of a Redland-based storage class.
* Fixed SPARQL store tests to align with recent coverage efforts.
* Code cleanup and updates to improve test coverage.
* Rearranged POD in RDF::Trine::Parser.
* Fixed type in RDF::Trine::Node::Literal::_compare.
Version 0.121 (2010-04-29)
* Fixed URI qname code to disallow ':' in local name.
* Added node-centric methods to RDF::Trine::Model: subjects, predicates, objects.
* Improved POD for value canonicalization in RDF::Trine::Parser.
* Added POD for RDF::Trine::Model::get_contexts.
* Added POD details to RDF::Trine::Model::get_statements regarding triple and quad semantics.
Version 0.120 (2010-04-20)
* Added optional value canonicalization on parsing (xsd integer, decimal, and boolean).
* RDF/XML parser now attempts to canonicalize XMLLiterals (doesn't yet canonicalize all XMLLiterals that it shold).
* Added RDF::Trine::Node::Blank::_new constructor that doesn't validate bnode name for N-Triples conformance.
* Performance improvements to RDF::Trine::Node::_unicode_escape.
* Updated Turtle parser to throw error on undeclared namespace prefixes.
* Updated Turtle serializer to produce QName literal datatypes.
Version 0.119 (2010-04-15)
* Fixed bug in NTriples parser handling of language literals (reported by tobyink).
* Fixed another bug in turtle serializer that improperly serialized bnode objects 'belonging' to a parent triple (in-edge count of 1).
Version 0.118 (2010-03-22)
* Added RDF::Trine::Parser::TriG.
* Added RDF::Trine::Parser::parse_file_into_model method.
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::NQuads.
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::negotiate constructor.
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::new constructor based on requested serializer name.
* Added RDF::Trine::Exporter::CSV for serializing variable bindings.
* Added Text::CSV and HTTP::Negotiate to RDF::Trine prereq list.
* Fixed exception thrown on unrecognized parser name.
* Removed dependency list and added perlrdf link to POD in RDF::Trine and RDF::Query.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Serializer::Turtle->new API to take %args instead of \%namespaces.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML to take %args and properly accept and serialize xmlns namespaces.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa to use streaming parsing (instead of materializing the graph first).
* Updated RDF::Trine::Model::_debug to use quad semantics when getting statement iterator.
* Updated t/parser-turtle.t to use File::Glob::bsd_glob for cases where the test directory's path contains whitespace.
* Removed redundant parse_into_model methods from RDF::Trine::Parser subclasses.
* Renamed examples/create_store.pl to examples/foaf_labels.pl.
* Fixed bug in turtle serializer that improperly serialized bnode objects 'belonging' to a parent bnode.
Version 0.117 (2010-02-04)
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_json when using empty iterator.
Version 0.116 (2010-01-31)
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML when serializing empty models.
Version 0.115 (2010-01-30)
* Added N-Triples and N-Quads parsers.
* Added RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL::get_pattern implementation.
* Changed RDF::Trine::Model::objects_for_predicate_list to return only a single node in scalar context.
* Added table alias for COUNT(*) queries in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI (fix for mysql).
* Added example of using parse_url_into_model to RDF::Trine::Parser SYNOPSIS.
Version 0.114 (2010-01-27)
* Added new Turtle serializer.
* Updated RDF/XML serializer grouping of same-subject statements for bounded descriptions.
* Updated parse_into_model parser methods to be both class and object methods.
* Updated Parser parse_* methods to take extra %args with optional 'context' value.
* Moved RDF::Trine::Store::Hexastore from alpha/ directory into RDF::Trine package.
* Added Storable to list of prereq modules.
* Added partial support for rdf:Lists to RDF::Trine::Serializer::Turtle.
* Added RDF::Trine::Namespace::uri_value method.
* Updated unicode encoding and escaping in ::Node, ::Node::Literal, and ::Store::DBI.
* Added variable() shortcut function to RDF::Trine package.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Graph to materialize statements when constructed with a graph iterator.
* Moved get_pattern logic from ::Store to ::Model.
* Updated ::Model::Union to work better with ::Model::get_pattern.
* Updated Node and Statement from_sse methods to work with constant string arguments.
* Updated code and tests for better coverage.
* Removed unused RDF::Trine::Iterator::sfinally function.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Graph::equals.
* Added UnimplementedError exception class.
Version 0.113 (2009-12-30)
* Added RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa implementation to connect with RDF::RDFa::Parser.
* Added ability to pass RDF::Trine::Node::Resource values as the datatype argument to RDF::Trine::Node::Literal::new().
* Special-cased 'xsd' in RDF::Trine::Namespace to return the RDF-version of the namespace URI (with trailing '#').
* Added syntax shortcuts as exportable from RDF::Trine: iri(), blank(), and literal().
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer base class.
* Fixed syntax error in generated RDF/XML in RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML that was dropping triples.
* Added RDF::Trine::Parser::parse_url_into_model class method.
* Updated parser classes' registration of parser names and media types.
* Added RDF::Trine::Model::size method.
* Removed ::Parser::Error package. Replaced with use of RDF::Trine::Error.
* Convert data to utf8 encoding before hashing in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::_mysql_hash_pp.
* Added RDF::Trine::Model::objects_for_predicate_list method.
* Removed RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML::_split_predicate and replaced with call to $pred->qname.
* Added RDF::Trine::Node::Resource::qname method to split an IRI into namespace and local parts.
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples::Canonical (from tobyink).
* Added RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_statements to return a graph iterator.
* Updated POD for ::Model::get_pattern to mention 'orderby' argument.
* Updated ::Model::as_stream to return a graph iterator sorted by (s,p,o).
* Updated RDF/XML serializer to merge same-subject rdf:Descriptions.
Version 0.112 (2009-12-12)
* Skip some failing tests when RDF::Trine::Node::Literal::XML is loaded.
* Added RDF/XML serializer.
* Added serialize_iterator_to_file and serialize_iterator_to_string methods to NTriples serializer.
* Added _serialize_bounded_description method to NTriples serializer.
* Added RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFJSON package (patch from tobyink).
* Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFJSON package (patch from tobyink).
* Added add_hashref and as_hashref methods to RDF::Trine::Model (patch from tobyink).
* Added tests for RDF/JSON parsing/serializing (patch from tobyink).
* Updated RDF::Trine docs to mention the RDF/XML parser (good catch by tobyink).
* Added logging code to RDF::Trine::Store::DBI.
* Changed ::Store::DBI::get_statements to skip (with warning) past ill-formed statements with IDs that don't appear in any of the value tables.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples to call as_ntriples on node objects during serialization.
* Added as_ntriples methods to RDF::Trine::Node and subclasses for proper NTriples formatting.
* Updated bin/rdf_store_serialize.pl to print in NTriples format.
Version 0.111 (2009-07-14)
* Added RDF::Trine::Graph for testing graph equality.
* Added node_names() method to ::Statement and ::Statement::Quad.
* Added RDF::Trine::Statement::has_blanks method.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Namespace to allow subclassing.
* Removed dependency on Test::JSON, List::MoreUtils, and XML::Parser.
* Added POD to RDF::Trine::Parser.
* RDF::Trine::Store::temporary_store now delegates to RDF::Trine::Store::DBI.
* Removed unnecessary call to blessed() in RDF::Trine::Statement.
* Removed unused RDF::Trine::Promise class.
* RDF::Trine now loads RDF::Trine::Store.
* Removed TODO labeling of tests in t/model-filter.t.
Version 0.110 (2009-03-14)
* Added RDF::Trine::Store base class with default implementation of get_pattern().
* Updated bin/rdf_store_add_file.pl to use the RDF::Trine parser, not Redland's parser.
* Added POD description to RDF::Trine package.
* Updated VERSION variables to 0.109 (forgotten during the last release).
* Updated ::Iterator::Bindings::as_string to join lines with empty string (had been returning a list).
* Added debug tracing code to ::Store::DBI.
* Updated schema in ::Store::DBI::mysql to use utf8 charset and collation, and use a pkey instead of a unique.
* RDF::Trine::Store::get_pattern now passes through optional @args (used for order-by).
* Fixed bug in ::Store::DBI::remove_statements causing bad SQL when all nodes are undef (remove all triples).
* ::Node::Literal::new now calls ::Node::Literal::XML::new if available and applicable.
Version 0.109 (2008-11-14)
* Removed incremental parsing code from RDF-Trine package.
* Added POD to from_sse methods in ::Node and ::Statement.
* Added parsing of variables to RDF::Trine::Node::from_sse.
* Small changes to ::Iterator and ::Trine::Node::Literal for efficiency.
* Whitespace updates to ::Trine::Node.
* Added SQLite-specific ::Store::DBI subclass so that indexes are created properly.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::print_xml that dropped every other row.
* Updated RDF::Trine::Node::Resource to work with URI objects.
* rdf_parse_turtle.pl now warns on any parser error.
* RDF::Trine::Node::Resource now escapes unicode in base URIs (now just relative URI part) before calling URI->new_abs.
* Turtle parser now makes universal IDs for all blank node (even those with given IDs like _:xyz).
* Fixed Unicode unescaping in Turtle parser's handling of string literals.
* Turtle parser now doesn't modify the lexical value of numeric typed literals.
* Fixed ::Store::DBI handling of Quads in get_statements (had been broken because RDF::Query bypasses it by using get_pattern).
* Fixed bug in ::Iterator::Bindings::print_xml that would drop every other result.
* Updated VERSION numbers and docs for RDF::Trine for 0.109_01 candidate release.
* ::Store::DBI now throws an error if call to DBI->connect doesn't return a database handle.
* ::Iterator::Bindings::as_string now returns '' when there are no rows (instead of dying).
* Added $IGNORE_CLEANUP to ::Store::DBI to allow preventing DBI cleanup.
* ::Store::DBI now throws an error if call to DBI->connect doesn't return a database handle.
* ::Iterator::Bindings::as_string now returns '' when there are no rows (instead of dying).
* Moved all debugging over to use Log::Log4perl.
* Updated prerequisite list (removed Digest::SHA1 and XML::Parser, and added missing modules).
Version 0.108 (2008-07-14)
* Added NTriples serializer module.
* Added POD to RDF::Trine::Promise.
* Added XML::Parser to list of required modules.
* Added a peek method to ::Iterator to support execution deferment like in ::Algebra::Service.
* Added RDF::Trine::Promise for general computation deferment.
* Added print_xml method to RDF::Trine::Iterator classes.
* Added support for Postgres storage.
* Added XML::LibXML::SAX as a prerequisite (because XML::SAX::PurePerl can't handle some RDF/XML that uses unicode).
* Replaced RDF::Core-based RDF/XML parser with a new XML::SAX based parser.
* Removed now unused redland-based RDF/XML test data.
* Removed unused redland fallback code from RDF::Query::Model::RDFTrine.
* Removed redland-based RDF/XML parser tests.
* Updated Turtle grammar to accept uppercase language tags.
* Fixed COLLECTION support in RDF/XML parser.
* Fixed RDF/XML parser for nodeID, sequence, reification, and base URI handling.
* Fixed POD in NTriples serializer.
* Fixed RDF/XML parser to handle nodeID, arbitrary xml attributes, parseType="Literal" serialization, and base URI handling.
* Normlized expected NTriples data in W3C RDF/XML test files.
* Added unicode escaping to Literal and Resource sse serialization.
* Added W3C RDF/XML data and test script.
* Fixes to deferring XML serialization for SPARQL bindings.
* Fixed bug in delaying XML serialization for identity hints header computation.
* Fixed extra data following xml query results.
* Fixed strict refs bug in print_xml in iterator classes.
* Updated tests that started failing after the previous commit (affecting SQL-compilation).
* Allow equality test and disjunction filters in patterns that can be compiled to SQL.
* Fix bug in SQL compilation when restricting left-joins to specific node types (based on functions like isIRI).
* Added support to the DBI store for filters for equality tests.
* Mysql store schema now adds indexes.
* Improved use of temporary RDF::Trine stores in RDF::Query tests.
* DBI temporary stores now use an in-memory SQLite database.
* Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql (calling _mysql_hash() without qualifying it in the superclass).
* Fixed variable ordering bug in UNION to SQL handling by forcing a sorted projection order.
* Added support to compile normalized UNION (can only be the top-level node or a child of another UNION) patterns to SQL.
* Made SQL more standards compliant.
* RDF::Trine::Store::DBI now auto-upgrades to mysql and postgres classes.
* Fixed unicode escaping by replacing Unicode::Escape calls to hand-rolled code in RDF::Trine::Node.
* RDF/XML parser now accept more than one top-level resource.
* RDF/XML parser now accepts URI objects as base uri (not just RDF::Trine::Node::Resource objects).
* Added tabular as_string serialization of ::Iterator::Bindings objects.
* Added Text::Table as a prerequisite.
* Fixed RDF/XML parser handling of strings (versus file handles).
* Fixed Turtle parser to properly keep '+' on integer literals.
* Fixed bindings_count so it doesn't pull a result from the stream (basing the count on binding_names).
* Fixed bindings xml serialization whitespace formatting.
* Cleaned up ::Iterator::Bindings::as_string serialization code.
* Replaced use of splice() with shift() in ::Iterator::SAXHandler::pull_result.
Version 0.107 (2008-04-25)
* Added Digest::SHA1 as a requirement for RDF::Trine.
* Fixed base URI use in Turtle parser.
* Fixed SQLite DSN in example scripts.
* Fixed XML whitespace error in iterator-thaw.t
Version 0.106 (2008-04-19)
* Added a mysql-specific RDF::Trine::Store class (now uses INSERT IGNORE for efficiency).
* SQL compiler now doesn't select statement contexts unless called via get_statements (not get_pattern).
* RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph::as_bindings now can be called with no arguments (uses default names).
* Moved the nested hash join from ::Iterator to ::Iterator::Bindings.
* Added new tests to improve coverage of node and iterator classes.
* Added tests for binding iterator cartesian product join.
* Pipelined the code for nested loop joins on binding iterators.
* Added SPARQL XML Results test for identity hints in element.
* Fixed bug in ::Model::StatementFilter to call join_steams in ::Iterator::Bindings.
* Fixed bug in ::Iterator::Graph::as_bindings where not all arguments are ::Node::Variable objects.
* Updated SPARQL XML Results namespace for boolean iterators.
* Replaced XML::Twig code with new XML::SAX parser (allowing streaming parsing).
* Moved as_sparql methods from RDF::Trine:: to RDF::Query:: classes.
* RDF::Trine::Iterator::smap now allows overriding default construct_args (e.g. binding names).
* Fixed RDF::Trine::Model::StatementFilter::get_pattern to project away unused variables (fixing a bug that caused joining to always fail).
* Updated example turtle parser to accept URLs as command line arguments.
* Turtle parser now removes dashes from the UUIDs used for blank node IDs.
* Added support to incrementally thaw an Iterator from an IO::Socket.
* Added RDF::Trine::Iterator::SAXHandler::rate method.
* Added Time::HiRes as prerequisite to META.yml and Makefile.PL.
* Updated all RDF::Trine modules to use consistent VERSION number for 0.106 release.
* Added examples directory (and an example script) to the RDF-Trine package.
* Removed Bloom::Filtere from the list of prerequisites (functionality has moved to RDF::Query).
Version 0.105 (2008-03-19)
* Removed use of File::Slurp in parser tests.
Version 0.104 (2008-03-14)
* Updated SPARQL XML Results namespace declaration in RDF::Trine::Iterator serialization methods.
* Added extra_result_data methods to add data to the XML Results header tag.
* RDF::Trine::Node::Resource now serializes to QName when passed valid namespace data.
* Fixed xml results serialization for style.
Version 0.103 (2008-03-10)
* Updated to recognize (renamed) RDF::Query::Expression class.
Version 0.102 (2008-03-07)
* Added length() method to Materialized bindings iterator class.
* Removed bloom filter construction from bindings iterator (RDF::Query code now does this itself).
* Fixed escaping of backslashes in Literal node serialization.
Version 0.101 (2008-03-04)
* Added an RDF/XML parser based on RDF::Core::Parser.
* Added Bloom filter support for Materialized bindings iterators.
* Fixed IRI workaround using the URI module.
* Turtle parser now uses Data::UUID for unique names.
* Fixed turtle parser bug for Verb testing.
* Added RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad::from_redland method.
* DBI store now constrains variable node types based on position in a statement.
* Added support for BOUND(), ISLITERAL(), ISURI() and ISIRI() functions in DBI store.
Version 0.100 (2008-02-18)
* Initial public release.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Gregory Williams. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Gregory Williams