NAME Plack::Middleware::ForwardedHeaders - Use headers from reverse proxy SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; builder { enable 'ForwardedHeaders'; $app; }; DESCRIPTION Uses forwarded headers to determine remote IP address and HTTPS status. It will adjust the `REMOTE_ADDR', `HTTPS', and `psgi.url_scheme' environment items accordingly. The original values are stored in `ORIGINAL_REMOTE_ADDR', `ORIGINAL_HTTPS', and `original.psgi.url_scheme'. WARNING: Enabling this middleware without a reverse proxy or a properly configured list of trusted proxies will allow users to spoof their IP address. CONFIGURATION trusted An IP address or an array reference of IP addresses of trusted proxies. If set, the forwarded headers will only be used if the request comes from one of the addresses listed as trusted. HTTP HEADERS Remote Address Headers The folling headers are used to determine the remote IP address for a forwarded request. X-Forwarded-For X-Forwarded-Host X-Real-IP HTTPS Headers The folling headers are used to determine if it a forwarded HTTPS request: X-Forwarded-Proto X-Forwarded-SSL X-Forwarded-Sheme Front-End-Ssl AUTHOR Graham Knop LICENSE Copyright (c) 2010, Graham Knop This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.