# NAME Katsubushi::Converter - id converter issued by katsubushi # SYNOPSIS use Katsubushi::Converter my $epoch = Katsubushi::Converter::id_to_epoch($id); print "id=${id} issued at ${epoch} in unix epoch time" # DESCRIPTION This module provides methods to convert id issued by katsubushi. katsubushi is id generator written in Go. https://github.com/kayac/go-katsubushi # METHODS - `$epoch = id_to_epoch($id)` - `$epoch_msec = id_to_epoch_msec($id)` Convert id to epoch in seconds/milliseconds. - `$id = epoch_to_id($epoch)` - `$id = epoch_msec_to_id($epoch_msec)` Convert epoch seconds/milliseconds to id. This method assume that WorkerID and Sequense are both 0. # LICENSE Copyright (C) handlename. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR NAGATA Hiroaki <handlename>