Extended Parameters 0.01 for Perl Extended Parameters, Getopt::ExPar, is written as a possible alternative to current getopt packages. Based, for the most part, on Stephen Lidie's Getopt::EvaP package, this has several features that go beyond EvaP's capabilities. - Include a 'set' supertype which allows users to have multiple values for a single option. Like lists, the only type unavailable in sets is switch. Also, sets within sets are not allowed. - Each script that uses ExPar has a built in -help option which may list the command line options, their aliases, their types and default values. - All parameter types except switch may be lists and sets. - Use of ENV, or environment, variables is more flexible. - Use of abbreviations may be allowed. The user may abbreviate commands or aliases as long as enough of the command is given to make it distinguishable from all others. If not, a message is printed so the user may be more specific. - Use of 'switchglomming' may be allowed. This is where multiple single-letter switches (either the command or alias must be a single letter) may be glommed, or grouped, together as the first option on the command line. Ex: script.pl -x -f -c -a arga may be executed as script.pl -xfc -a arga OR script.pl -fxc -a arga ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ SOP: perl Makefile.PL make make install This should install to your site_perl directory. ------------ AVAILABILITY ------------ Will be available on CPAN mirror as soon as I see how it's done. ------ AUTHOR ------ Harlin L. Hamilton Jr. Alcatel USA, Richardson, TX hlhamilt@aud.alcatel.com --------- COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright(c) 1998 Harlin L. Hamilton Jr. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.