DBD::Unify -- an Unify interface for Perl 5 using DBI. This is the Database Driver for the Unify family of database products. It has been ported and tested on DataServer 6.3AB, but this does not mean it might not work on U2000 databases. It uses DBI 1.14 and perl5.00503, but will probably work with DBI 0.93 or higher and perl 5.004 or higher. Copyright (c) 1999,2000 H.Merijn Brand You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. See the ChangeLog file for a complete history This is a very basic port for Unify. At the moment of writing, this DBD does not support all DBI elements, methods and attributes. (See RESTRICTIONS) DATE, TIME, TEXT and BINARY fields are not (yet) supported, though it is easy to change (code is supplied, but returns undef). Since we do not use these types with our databases, it's up to you to supply patches. BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING: This will only work if DBI is installed on a recent version of perl ;-) # perl Makefile.PL # make test # make install Make test will use the current database and create a table "xx". If the test fails, table xx might still exist. If it already exists, it might get lost, so be aware! I've encountered some problems using on builds where perl decided to use , so I try to switch to varargs by force. If problems persist, maybe rewriting dbg () to: static void dbg (level, fmt, ap) int level; char *fmt; char *ap; { auto va_list args; if (level > dbis->debug && level > opt_v) return; va_start (args, ap); (void)vfprintf (DBILOGFP, fmt, args); (void)fflush (DBILOGFP); va_end (args); } /* dbg */ might help for those deficit systems. As with all modules: Patches are welcome. RESTRICTIONS: # Incomplete or out-of-date documentation, though I keep trying to keep in pace with what I change # Missing support for datatypes DATE, TIME, TEXT and BINARY in fetch and positional parameters # Some database attributes not (yet) implemented. (AutoCommit et all) # Statement attributes not (yet) fully implemented. Those needed for $sth->fetchrow_hashref () now work, but STORE_attrib () doesn't. Someone (probably me) will have to work through the list of documented database- and statement handle attributes # Unify only distributes static libraries, so the module might become rather big TO DO: # Remove as many restrictions as possible ;-) # Add more tests # Implement all implementable handle attributes (->{CursorName} is probably the easiest to start with ;-) # Investigate and implement 3-arg versions of $sth->bind_param () # Investigate and implement 2- and 3-arg version of $dbh->do () # Investigate if looks_as_number () should be used in st_bind (). Comments are in where it should. # Investigate if LIKE and SHLIKE operators in positional parameters indeed do not work (I've seen that, but found no time yet to look into this more). Currently it cores on SHLIKE. # Try finding a way to open several different Unify databases at the same time for parallel processing.