NAME Text::ResusciAnneparser - Parser for XML logfiles of the Resusci Anne Skills Station software VERSION version 0.02 SYNOPSIS my $certificates = Text::ResusciAnneparser->new(infile => 'certificates.xml'); DESCRIPTION The Resusci Anne Skills Station is a basic life support training station used by people involved in first-line support in healthcare. The training station keeps track of who trained when. This module enables parsing the xml output file to be able to process the data. METHODS "new(%parameters)" This constructor returns a new Text::ResusciAnneparser object. Supported parameters are listed below infile The input file containing the raw data log of the skill station software "certified" Returns a hash of people who received a valid training certificate. The hash contains keys with the training dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The value attached to a date key in the hash is an array of people. A single person entry is a hash containing the givenname and the familiname of a person. E.g. '2013-04-07' => [ { 'givenname' => 'Piet', 'familyname' => 'Konijn' } ], '2013-03-25' => [ { 'givenname' => 'Zjuul', 'familyname' => 'Cesar' }, { 'givenname' => 'Pette', 'familyname' => 'Sjiekke' } ] "in_training" Returns an array of people who started the exercise but who did not completed it and hence have not received a certificate yet BUILD Helper function to run custome code after the object has been created by Moose. AUTHOR Lieven Hollevoet COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Lieven Hollevoet. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.