Molevol-Complex This module integrates a workflow aimed to address the evolvability of the contact interfaces within a protein complex. Some structural and evolutive analisys are performed by external software, which is needed to be installed before install and/or run this module. This README provides instructions on how to install the module. REQUERIMENTS 1. PAML - Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood PAML is a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. It must be correctly installed before run Molevol::Complex. Concretely, an environment variable called "PAMLDIR" must be set with the value of the PAML binaries directory. This software can be downloaded for free from the author website: Once PAML is intalled, this environment variable can be set as follow: export PAMLDIR='/path/to/paml4x/bin/' # for Bourne, bash, and related shells setenv PAMLDIR='/path/to/paml4x/bin/' # for csh and related shells 2. DSSP - Dictionary of protein secondary structure The DSSP program was designed by Wolfgang Kabsch and Chris Sander to standardize secondary structure assignment. It is used by this module to analyze the accesible surface of each residue. Binaires can be donwloaded from the authors website: The module calls this program as 'dssp' by default, but this value can be modified in each run. 3. Bioperl and Bioperl-run The Bioperl and Bioperl-run packages are used to run the analysis. They can be installed through public repositories sush as CPAN or Fink, or manually after donwload from the community website: INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the man command. man Molevol::Complex You can also look for information at: Official Website LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2013 Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See L for more information.