NAME Sjis - Source code filter for ShiftJIS script SYNOPSIS In your script: use Sjis; At command prompt: without "use Sjis;" in your script jperl55.bat param1 param2 ... jperl58.bat param1 param2 ... jperl510.bat param1 param2 ... with "use Sjis;" in your script perl.exe param1 param2 ... perl58.bat param1 param2 ... perl510.bat param1 param2 ... DESCRIPTION This software is "JPerl" written by Perl. We can write the script in ShiftJIS again. This is software that does the bridge from JPerl to Perl of the latest version. This software is still an alpha version for expressing a concept. INSTALLATION To install this software, type the following: perl Makefile.PL --- Makefile.PL makes "make.bat" only, and ... make.bat make.bat test test t/ make.bat install --- install to current using Perl perl58.bat make.bat instal --- install to Perl5.8 perl510.bat make.bat install --- install to Perl5.10 MAKE OTHER make.bat dist --- make distribution package make.bat tar.bat --- make perl script "tar.bat" PROGRAM COMPOSITION --- source code filter for ShiftJIS script --- source code filter to escape ShiftJIS --- run-time routines for jperl55.bat --- jperl emulator by perl5.5 with jperl58.bat --- jperl emulator by perl5.8 with jperl510.bat --- jperl emulator by perl5.10 with perl58.bat --- find and run perl5.8 without %PATH% settings perl510.bat --- find and run perl5.10 without %PATH% settings pl2ebat --- escape and wrap ShiftJIS perl code into a batch file DEPENDENCIES This software requires perl5.00503 or later and perl5.008 or perl5.010. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MAINTAINER This project was originated by INABA Hitoshi .