Jemplate is a full featured framework for JavaScript Templating. It is a port of Perl's Template Toolkit framework made to work for JavaScript. See 'Changes' file for recent changes. INSTALLATION ============ Jemplate consists of both Perl and JavaScript components. For the Perl side of things you'll need Perl 5.6.1 or higher and the latest version of the Template module (aka Template Toolkit). Just install this like any CPAN module: > perl Makefile.PL > make > make test > make install For the JavaScript side, you need to generate the `Jemplate.js` runtime and then use the `jemplate` command line tool to compile your templates. Something like this: > jemplate --runtime > js/Jemplate.js > jemplate --compile templates/* > js/jemplates.js Then just import those two JavaScript files into your html document: AUTHORS ======= Jemplate was originally created by Ingy döt Net. Additional contributors include: - Cory Bennett - Yann Kerhervé - David Davis - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa - Cees Hek - Christian Hansen - David A. Coffey Template Toolkit was written by Andy Wardley.