NAME Zilla::Dist - HASH(0x18d81d8) SYNOPSIS > zild setup > zild upgrade > # hack hack hack > make publish DESCRIPTION This module is a formalization of a Perl module / package repository layout and release process that I have been evolving for some time. I use the same layout for Bash, Ruby, Python and Node.js package publishing. A fully stacked top level might look like this: Changes # History in YAML Meta # Meta info for all needs (including dzil) Makefile # Automation of test, dist, publish, etc ReadMe.pod # Generated from `doc/Module.kwim` bin/ # Scripts doc/ # Kwim docs eg/ # Examples lib/ # Perl `.pm` code share/ # Shared files test/ # Test suite Note a few things: * Sane / readable names * Directories are lowercase / never plural * Files are TitleCase * No file extensions (if possible) * No extra meta files like "dist.ini", ".travis.yml", "bower.json" etc These are the *bost of* from all the package systems I've used. They make me happy, and not tied to legacy bad ideas. The Makefile has these targets: "make test" Use "prove -lv test" "make install" Do a "dzil" install. "make doc" Make the "ReadMe.pod" and other stuff. Turn repo into a `Dist Zilla" ready subdirectory called ".*cpan*`. This "make cpan" directory has a "dist.ini" file. "make dist" Basically the same as "make cpan; cd cpan; dzil build". "make distdir" Unzip the dist, for inspection. "make publish" Have "dzil" build a dist, then "cpan-upload" it. "make publish-dryrun" Yep. Upgrade the [Zilla Dist] packaging files. (Makefile etc) "make upgrade" RATIONALE RANTING I've published a lot of *packages* in a lot of programming languages. I like taking the best ideas and spreading them around. I like reusing ideas and code and tools as much as possible between these packages. I trust dzil to DTRT with regard to the CPAN release process. I use almost the exact same "dist.ini" for some 20 CPAN packages that I've converted to date. I don't like cluttered repos and adding new *metadata* files for each new tool that needs one. The "dist.ini" file is not bad, but I can generate it from metadata easily. So I did. As much as I differ from the norm here, I want my CPAN publishings to be normal to normal mongers (if there's such a thing). The "make publish" process does just that. End users would have to look hard to know this wasn't a "normal" dzil release. I'm packaging this packaging process as Zilla::Dist for others to use. It's also a decent example of a CPAN package packaged with itself. NOTES Some of the tools in here are Bash, some are Perl. I'm doing a lot in the area of Bash Package packaging. See . I use the term "Package" where CPAN people have used the term "Distribution". Perl is the only language (in my packaging experience to do so). The name "t/" is another outlier. The most common is "test" followed by "tests". I don't like plural directory names. Try singular. I think you'll like it too. ALLCAPSFILENAMES ARE TOO LOUD! ChillOut. SEE ALSO * Dist::Zilla Modules Published to CPAN w/ `zild` * * * AUTHOR Ingy döt Net COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014. Ingy döt Net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See