Platypus is a web application framework built on top of Apache and mod_perl. It's still in very early stages of development, but even now it offers many more application facilities than CGI or Apache::Registry. The web site for Platypus is at: The standard goodies, like a mailing list and a bug database, will be supplied if the market demands them. Platypus is developed in the spirit of the Apache and mod_perl projects. Find more information about them at: If you're doing application development with mod_perl, consider picking up Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern's book "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C". It's a fabulous resource: I think that's it. Enjoy - Brian Moseley Oh btw: The source files in this distribution are Copyright (C) 1999, Brian Moseley, and are licensed for use under the same terms as Perl itself.