=head1 DateTimeX::Mashup::Shiras A Moose role with three date attributes =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyPackage; use Moose; with 'DateTimeX::Mashup::Shiras'; no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; #!perl my $firstinst = MyPackage->new( 'date_one' => '8/26/00', ); print $firstinst->get_date_one->format_cldr( "yyyy-MMMM-d" ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->get_date_one_wkend->ymd( '' ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->get_date_one_wkstart->ymd( '' ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->set_date_three( '11-September-2001' ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->get_date_three_wkstart->dmy( '' ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->set_date_one( -1299767400 ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->set_date_one( 36764.54167 ) . "\n"; print $firstinst->set_date_one( 0 ) . "\n"; ####################################### # Output of SYNOPSIS # 01:2000-August-26 # 02:20000901 # 03:20000826 # 04:2001-09-11T00:00:00 # 05:08092001 # 06:1928-10-26T09:30:00 # 07:2000-08-26T13:00:00 # 09:1970-01-01T00:00:00 ####################################### =head1 DESCRIPTION L - A small subspecies of Moose found in the western United States. This is a Moose L that has three flexible date attributes and some additional date functionality. This role can add some date attributes to your class with built in date handling. It also provides the traditional today, now, and weekend date calculation for a given day. The flexibility of input for the dates comes from three different DateTime::Format packages using type coersion. The three modules are; L, L, and L. The choice between them is managed by L as a type coersion. This means that all input strings are parsed by ::Format::Flexible. All numbers are parsed either by ::Format::Excel or ::Format::Epoch. See the type package for the details and corner cases. Since all the succesful date 'getters' return DateTime objects, all the L methods can be applied directly. ex. $inst->get_today_wkend->ymd( "/" ). =head2 Attributes Attributes listed here can be passed to -Enew as listed below. =head3 (date_one|date_two|date_three) =over B these are date attributes set to the type 'datetimedate'. See the L Class for more details. B empty B Currently input of Time Zones is L. =back =head3 week_end =over B This holds the definition of the last day of the week B 'Friday' B This will accept either day names, day abbreviations (no periods), or day integers (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday ) =back =head2 Methods Methods are used to manipulate both the public and private attributes of this role. All attributes are set as 'ro' so other than ->new( ) these methods are the only way to change or clear attributes. See L for generic implementation instructions. =head3 set_(date_one|date_two|date_three)( $date ) =over B This is the way to change (or set) the various dates. B Any $date data that can be coerced by L modules. B the equivalent DateTime object =back =head3 get_(date_one|date_two|date_three|today)->format_command( 'format' ) =over B This is how you can call various dates and format their output. example $self->get_date_two->ymd( "-" ). For this example the date_two attribute had been previously set. B 'today' and 'now' are special attribute cases and do not need to be defined to be retrieved. B a DateTime object =back =head3 get_$attribute_name_(wkend|wkstart) =over B This is a way to call the equivalent start and end of the week definded by the given 'week_end' attribute value. All dates listed above including 'today' can be substitued for $attributename. I<'now' does not provide a weekend extrapolation.> B a DateTime object =back =head1 SUPPORT L =head1 TODO =over B<1.> Support Timezone input and changes B<2.> Support custom epoch input and changes B<3.> Add L debugging in exchange for L =over * Get Log::Shiras CPAN ready first =back =back =head1 AUTHOR =over =item Jed Lund =item jandrew@cpan.org =back =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. This software is copyrighted (c) 2013 by Jed Lund. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over L L L L =over B =over L L L L =back =back =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over L L L L L =back =head1 Build from Source - (for example git) Download a compressed file with the code Extract the code from the compressed file Change into the extracted directory (For Windows find what version of make was used to compile your perl) perl -V:make Then >perl Makefile.PL >make >make test >make install >make clean (use the windows make version as appropriate (dmake?))