=pod =head1 NAME Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML - Read xlsx spreadsheet files with LibXML =begin html perl version Build Status Coverage Status this version CPAN version kwalitee =end html =head1 SYNOPSIS The following uses the 'TestBook.xlsx' file found in the t/test_files/ folder #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML; my $parser = Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML->new(); my $workbook = $parser->parse( 'TestBook.xlsx' ); if ( !defined $workbook ) { die $parser->error(), "\n"; } for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) { my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range(); for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) { for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) { my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col ); next unless $cell; print "Row, Col = ($row, $col)\n"; print "Value = ", $cell->value(), "\n"; print "Unformatted = ", $cell->unformatted(), "\n"; print "\n"; } } last;# In order not to read all sheets } ########################### # SYNOPSIS Screen Output # 01: Row, Col = (0, 0) # 02: Value = Category # 03: Unformatted = Category # 04: # 05: Row, Col = (0, 1) # 06: Value = Total # 07: Unformatted = Total # 08: # 09: Row, Col = (0, 2) # 10: Value = Date # 11: Unformatted = Date # 12: # 13: Row, Col = (1, 0) # 14: Value = Red # 16: Unformatted = Red # 17: # 18: Row, Col = (1, 1) # 19: Value = 5 # 20: Unformatted = 5 # 21: # 22: Row, Col = (1, 2) # 23: Value = 2017-2-14 #(shows as 2/14/2017 in the sheet) # 24: Unformatted = 41318 # 25: # More intermediate rows ... # 82: # 83: Row, Col = (6, 2) # 84: Value = 2016-2-6 #(shows as 2/6/2016 in the sheet) # 85: Unformatted = 40944 ########################### =head1 DESCRIPTION This is another package for parsing Excel 2007+ workbooks. The goals of this package are three fold. First, as close as possible produce the same output as is visible in an excel spreadsheet with exposure to underlying settings from Excel. Second, adhere as close as is reasonable to the L API (where it doesn't conflict with the first objective) so that less work would be needed to integrate ParseExcel and this package. An addendum to the second goal is this package will not expose elements of the object hash for use by the consuming program. This package will either return an unblessed hash with the equivalent elements to the Spreadsheet::ParseExcel output instead of a class instance or it will provide methods to provide these sets of data. The third goal is to provide an XLSX sheet parser that is built on L. The other two primary options for XLSX parsing on CPAN use either a one-off XML parser (L) or L (L). In general if either of them already work for you without issue then there is no reason to change to this package. I personally found some bugs and functionality boundaries in both that I wanted to improve, and by the time I had educated myself enough to make improvement suggestions including root causing the bugs to either the XML parser or the reader logic I had written this. In the process of learning and building I also wrote some additional features for this parser that are not found in the L package. For instance in the L the '$parser' and the '$workbook' are actually the same class. You could combine both steps by calling ->new with the 'file_name' (or 'file_handle') attribute called out. Afterward it is still possible to call ->error on the instance. The test in that case for load success would be $instance->has_file_name(handle) Another improvement (from my perspective) is date handling. This package allows for a simple pluggable custom output format that is very flexible as well as handling dates older than 1-January-1900. I leveraged coercions from L to do this but anything that follows that general format will work here. Additionally, this is a L based package. As such it is designed to be (fairly) extensible by writing roles and adding them to this package rather than requiring that you extend the package to some new branch. Read the full documentation for all opportunities! In the realm of extensibility, L has multiple ways to read an XML file but this release only has an L parser option. Future iterations could include a DOM parser option. Additionally this package does not (yet) provide the same access to the formatting elements provided in L. That is on the longish and incomplete TODO list. The package operates on the workbook with three primary tiers of classes. All other classes in this package are for architectual extensibility. =over ---> L =over ---> L* =over ---> L* - L =back =back =back =head2 Warnings B<1.> Archive-Zip versions greater than 1.30 appear to be broken. This package requires Archive::Zip so I reccomend Archive-Zip-1.30. B<2.> This package requires that you can load L which requires the L and 'libxml2-devel' libraries. I have included L in the build profile in an attempt to resolve any library issues but being new to usage of Alien libraries in general I'm not certain I got it quite right. Many OS's have these libraries installed as part of their core but if this package fails to load please log an issue in my repo on L. On the other hand the correct libraries are loading on travis-ci during the builds so if no issue is logged before then I will B B<3.> Not all workbook sheets (tabs) are created equal! Some Excel sheet tabs are only a chart. These tabs are 'chartsheets'. The methods with 'worksheet' in the name only act on the sub set of tabs that are worksheets. Future methods with 'chartsheet' in the name will focus on the subset of sheets that are chartsheets. Methods with just 'sheet' in the name have the potential to act on both. The documentation for the chartsheet level class is found in L (still under construction). All chartsheet classes do not provide access to cells. B<4.> L pointed out that the formatter portion of this package for versions older than v0.38 do not follow the L for the formatter class. (I always welcome feeback) I suppose the original implementation was, in part, laziness. In an effort to comply with goal #2 of this package I have updated the API so that in versions starting with v0.38 the formatter is a stand-alone class. For details of the implemenation see L This more closely follows Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, and incidentally probably makes building alternate formatting modules easier. I and back since they are both built to interface with fundamentally different architecture.> This change also affects how the role L is consumed. If you wrote your own formatter for this package for the old way I would be willing to provide troubleshooting support for the transition to the the new API. However if you are setting specific formats today using set_defined_excel_format_list you should be able to switch to L or use the attribute L. B =head2 Attributes Data passed to new when creating an instance. For modification of these attributes see the listed 'attribute methods'. For general information on attributes see L. For ways to manage the workbook when opened see the L. For additional lesser used workbook options see L. B $workbook_instance = Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML->new( %attributes ) I =head3 file_name =over B This attribute holds the full file name and path for the xlsx file to be parsed. B no default - either this or a L must be provided to read a file B any unencrypted xlsx file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B change the file name value in the attribute (this will reboot the workbook instance) =back B =over B this is used to see if the workbook loaded correctly using the file_name option to open an Excel .xlsx file. =back =back =back =head3 file_handle =over B This attribute holds a copy of the passed file handle reference. B no default - either this or a L must be provided to read a file B any unencrypted xlsx file handle that can be opened in Microsoft Excel B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B change the set file handle (this will reboot the workbook instance) =back B =over B this is used to see if the workbook loaded correctly when using the file_handle option to open an Excel .xlsx file. =back =back =back =head3 error_inst =over B This attribute holds an 'error' object instance. It should have several methods for managing errors. Currently no error codes or error language translation options are available but this should make implementation of that easier. B a L instance with the attributes set as; ( should_warn => 0 ) B The minimum list of methods to implement for your own instance is; error set_error clear_error set_warnings if_warn The error instance must be able to extract the error string from a passed error object as well. For now the current implementation will attempt ->as_string first and then ->message if an object is passed. B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B returns this instance =back B =over B delegated method from the class used to get the most recently logged error string =back B =over B delegated method from the class used to set a new error string (or pass an error object for extraction of the error string) =back B =over B delegated method from the class used to clear the current error string =back B =over B delegated method from the class used to turn on or off real time warnings when errors are set =back B =over B delegated method from the class used to extend this package and see if warnings should be emitted. =back =back =back =head3 sheet_parser =over B This sets the way the .xlsx file is parsed. For now the only choice is 'reader'. B 'reader' B 'reader' B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B the way to change the parser type =back B =over B returns the currently set parser type =back =back =back =head3 count_from_zero =over B Excel spreadsheets count from 1. L counts from zero. This allows you to choose either way. B 1 B 1 = counting from zero like Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, 0 = Counting from 1 like Excel B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to change the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 file_boundary_flags =over B When you request data to the right of the last column or below the last row of the data this package can return 'EOR' or 'EOF' to indicate that state. This is especially helpful in 'while' loops. The other option is to return 'undef'. This is problematic if some cells in your table are empty which also returns undef. What is determined to be the last column and row is determined by the attribute L. B 1 B 1 = return 'EOR' or 'EOF' flags as appropriate, 0 = return undef when requesting a position that is out of bounds B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to change the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 empty_is_end =over B The excel convention is to read the table left to right and top to bottom. Some tables have an uneven number of columns with real data from row to row. This allows the several methods that excersize a 'next' function to wrap after the last element with data rather than going to the max column. This also triggers 'EOR' flags after the last data element and before the sheet max column when not implementing 'next' functionality. B 0 B 1 = treat all columns short of the max column for the sheet as being in the table, 0 = end each row after the last cell with data rather than going to the max sheet column B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to set the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 values_only =over B Excel will store information about a cell even if it only contains formatting data. In many cases you only want to see cells that actually have values. This attribute will change the package behaviour regarding cells that have formatting stored against that cell but no actual value. B 0 B 1 = skip cells with formatting only and treat them as completely empty, 0 = return informat about cells that only contain formatting B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to set the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 from_the_edge =over B Some data tables start in the top left corner. Others do not. I don't reccomend that practice but when aquiring data in the wild it is often good to adapt. This attribute sets whether the file reads from the top left edge or from the top row with data and starting from the leftmost column with data. B 1 B 1 = treat the top left corner of the sheet as the beginning of rows and columns even if there is no data in the top row or leftmost column, 0 = Set the minimum row and minimum columns to be the first row and first column with data B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to set the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 cache_positions =over B This parse can be slow. It does this by trading processing and file storage for RAM usage but that is probably not the average users choice. Not all things that can be cached are cached yet. However, when this attribute is set where the parser knows how to cache it will. B 1 = caching is turned on B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B read the attribute =back =back =back =head3 format_inst =over B This is the attribute containing the format class. In general the default value is sufficient. However, If you want to tweak this a bit then review the L. It does include a role that interprets the excel L into a L coercion. B L->new B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to set the current attribute instance =back B =over B a way to get the current attribute setting =back =back B =over L L L L L =back =back =head3 group_return_type =over B Traditionally ParseExcel returns a cell object with lots of methods to reveal information about the cell. In reality the extra information is not used very much (witness the popularity of L). Because many users don't need or want the extra cell formatting information it is possible to get either the raw cell value or the formatted cell value returned either the way the Excel file specified or the way you specify instead of a Cell instance with all the data. . See L to insert custom targeted formats for use with the parser. All empty cells return undef no matter what. B instance B instance = returns a populated L instance, unformatted = returns just the raw value of the cell with no modifications, value = returns just the formatted value stored in the excel cell B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to set the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head3 empty_return_type =over B Traditionally L returns an empty string for cells with unique formatting but no stored value. It may be that the more accurate way of returning undef works better for you. This will turn that behaviour on. I B empty_string B empty_string = populates the unformatted value with '' even if it is set to undef undef_string = if excel stores undef for an unformatted value it will return undef B Methods provided to adjust this attribute =over B =over B a way to check the current attribute setting =back B =over B a way to set the current attribute setting =back =back =back =head2 Primary Methods These are the primary ways to use this class. They can be used to open an .xlsx workbook. They are also ways to investigate information at the workbook level. For information on how to retrieve data from the worksheets see the L and L documentation. For additional workbook options see the L and the L sections. The attributes section specifically contains all the methods used to adjust the attributes of this class. All methods are object methods and should be implemented on the object instance. B my @worksheet_array = $workbook_instance->worksheets; =head3 parse( $file_name|$file_handle, $formatter ) =over B This is a convenience method to match L. It only works if the L or L attribute was not set with ->new. It is one way to set the 'file_name' or 'file_handle' attribute [and the L attribute]. I B $file = a valid xlsx file [or a valid xlsx file handle] (required) [$formatter] = see the default_format_list attribute for valid options (optional) B itself when passing with the xlsx file loaded to the workbook level or undef for failure. =back =head3 worksheets =over B This method will return an array (I) containing a list of references to all worksheets in the workbook. This is not a reccomended method. It is provided for compatibility to Spreadsheet::ParseExcel. For alternatives see the L method and the L methods. B B nothing B an array ref of L objects for all worksheets in the workbook. =back =head3 worksheet( $name ) =over B This method will return an object to read values in the worksheet. If no value is passed to $name then the 'next' worksheet in physical order is returned. I<'next' will NOT wrap> It also only iterates through the 'worksheets' in the workbook (but not the 'chartsheets'). B the $name string representing the name of the worksheet object you want to open. This name is the word visible on the tab when opening the spreadsheet in Excel. (not the underlying zip member file name - which can be different. It will not accept chart tab names.) B a L object with the ability to read the worksheet of that name. It returns undef and sets the error attribute if a 'chartsheet' is requested. Or in 'next' mode it returns undef if past the last sheet. B using the implied 'next' worksheet; while( my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet ){ print "Reading: " . $worksheet->name . "\n"; # get the data needed from this worksheet } =back =head3 in_the_list =over B This is a predicate method that indicates if the 'next' L function has been implemented at least once. Bnothing B true = 1, false = 0 once =back =head3 start_at_the_beginning =over B This restarts the 'next' worksheet at the first worksheet. This method is only useful in the context of the L function. B nothing B nothing =back =head3 worksheet_count =over B This method returns the count of worksheets (excluding charts) in the workbook. Bnothing B an integer =back =head3 get_worksheet_names =over B This method returns an array ref of all the worksheet names in the workbook. (It excludes chartsheets.) B nothing B an array ref B Another way to parse a workbook without building all the sheets at once is; for $sheet_name ( @{$workbook->worksheet_names} ){ my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet( $sheet_name ); # Read the worksheet here } =back =head3 get_sheet_names =over B This method returns an array ref of all the sheet names (tabs) in the workbook. (It includes chartsheets.) B nothing B an array ref =back =head3 get_chartheet_names =over B This method returns an array ref of all the chartsheet names in the workbook. (It excludes worksheets.) B nothing B an array ref =back =head3 sheet_name( $Int ) =over B This method returns the sheet name for a given physical position in the workbook from left to right. It counts from zero even if the workbook is in 'count_from_one' mode. B(It will return chart names but chart tab names cannot currently be converted to worksheets). You may actually want L instead of this function. B integers B the sheet name (both workbook and worksheet) B To return only worksheet positions 2 through 4 for $x (2..4){ my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet( $workbook->worksheet_name( $x ) ); # Read the worksheet here } =back =head3 sheet_count =over B This method returns the count of all sheets in the workbook (worksheets and chartsheets). B nothing B a count of all sheets =back =head3 worksheet_name( $Int ) =over B This method returns the worksheet name for a given order in the workbook from left to right. It does not count any 'chartsheet' positions as valid. It counts from zero even if the workbook is in 'count_from_one' mode. B integers B the worksheet name B To return only worksheet positions 2 through 4 and then parse them for $x (2..4){ my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet( $workbook->worksheet_name( $x ) ); # Read the worksheet here } =back =head3 worksheet_count =over B This method returns the count of all worksheets in the workbook (not including chartsheets). B nothing B a count of all worksheets =back =head3 chartsheet_name( $Int ) =over B This method returns the chartsheet name for a given order in the workbook from left to right. It does not count any 'worksheet' positions as valid. It counts from zero even if the workbook is in 'count_from_one' mode. B integers B the chartsheet name =back =head3 chartsheet_count =over B This method returns the count of all chartsheets in the workbook (not including worksheets). B nothing B a count of all chartsheets =back =head3 error =over B This returns the most recent error message logged by the package. This method is mostly relevant when an unexpected result is returned by some other method. Bnothing B an error string. =back =head2 Secondary Methods These are the additional methods that include ways to extract additional information about the .xlsx file and ways to modify workbook and worksheet parsing that are less common. Note that all methods specifically used to adjust workbook level attributes are listed in the L section. This section primarily contains methods for or L from private attributes set up during the workbook load process. =head3 parse_excel_format_string( $format_string ) =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 creator =over B Retrieve the stored creator string from the Excel file. B nothing B A string =back =head3 date_created =over B returns the date the file was created B nothing B A string =back =head3 modified_by =over B returns the user name of the person who last modified the file B nothing B A string =back =head3 date_modified =over B returns the date when the file was last modified B nothing B A string =back =head3 get_epoch_year =over B This returns the epoch year defined by the Excel workbook. B nothing B 1900 = Windows Excel or 1904 = Apple Excel =back =head3 get_shared_string_position =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 get_format_position =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 set_defined_excel_format_list =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 change_output_encoding =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 set_cache_behavior =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 get_date_behavior =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head3 set_date_behavior =over Roundabout delegation from L =back =head1 FLAGS The parameter list (attributes) that are possible to pass to ->new is somewhat long. Therefore you may want a shortcut that aggregates some set of attribute settings that are not the defaults but wind up being boilerplate. I have provided possible alternate sets like this and am open to providing others that are suggested. The flags will have a : in front of the identifier and will be passed to the class in the 'use' statement for consumption by the import method. Only the first flag is currently accepted. Example; use Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML v0.34.4 qw( :alt_default ); =head2 :alt_default This is intended for a deep look at data and skip formatting cells. =over B =over L => 1 L => 0 L => 1 =back =back =head2 :just_the_data This is intended for a shallow look at data and skip formatting. =over B =over L => 1 L => 0 L => 1 L => 'value' L => 1 L => 0, =back =back =head1 BUILD / INSTALL from Source B<0.> Please note that using L is much easier than a source build! (but it will not always give the latest github version) cpanm Spreadsheet-XLSX-Reader-LibXML B<1.> This package uses L to try and ensure that the mandatory prerequisite L will load. The biggest gotcha here is that older (< versions of Strawberry Perl and some other Win32 perls may not support the script 'pkg-config' which is required. You can resolve this by installation L as 'pkg-config'. I have included the short version of that process below but download the full L distribution and read README.win32 file for other options and much more explanation. =over B C:\> cpanm PkgConfig --configure-args=--script=pkg-config =back It may be that you still need to use a system package manager to L the 'libxml2-devel' library. If this is the case or you experience any other installation issues please L especially if they occur prior to starting the test suit as these failures will not auto push from CPAN Testers so I won't know to fix them! B<2.> Download a compressed file with this package code from your favorite source =over L L L =back B<3.> Extract the code from the compressed file. =over If you are using tar on a .tar.gz file this should work: tar -zxvf Spreadsheet-XLSX-Reader-LibXML-v0.xx.tar.gz =back B<4.> Change (cd) into the extracted directory B<5.> Run the following =over (for Windows find what version of make was used to compile your perl) perl -V:make (then for Windows substitute the correct make function (s/make/dmake/g)? below) =back perl Makefile.PL make make test make install # As sudo/root make clean =head1 SUPPORT =over L =back =head1 TODO =over B<1.> Add POD for all the new chart methods! B<1.> Build an 'Alien::LibXML::Devel' package to load the libxml2-devel libraries from source and require that and L in the build file. So all needed requirements for L are met =over Both libxml2 and libxml2-devel libraries are required for XML::LibXML =back B<2.> Add a pivot table reader (Not just read the values from the sheet) B<3.> Add calc chain methods B<4.> Add more exposure to workbook formatting methods B<5.> Build a DOM parser alternative for the sheets =over (Theoretically faster than the reader but uses more memory) =back =back =head1 AUTHOR =over Jed Lund jandrew@cpan.org =back =head1 CONTRIBUTORS This is the (likely incomplete) list of people who have helped make this distribution what it is, either via code contributions, patches, bug reports, help with troubleshooting, etc. A huge 'thank you' to all of them. =over L L L L L L =back =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. This software is copyrighted (c) 2014, 2015 by Jed Lund =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over L L L L L L L L - 1.33 L - 2.1213 L L - 1.032 L L - 1.000 L L - 0.077 =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over L - generic Spreadsheet reader that (hopefully) supports this package L - Excel version 2003 and earlier L - Excel version 2007 and later L - Excel version 2007 and later L =over All lines in this package that use Log::Shiras are commented out =back =back =cut