PROPAGANDA: See for propaganda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQS: Q: Where can I get a new version of w3mir? A: Q: Are there any mailing lists? A: Yes, see below. Q: Should I subscribe to any of the mailinglists? A: Yes, if you use w3mir at all you should subscribe to, send e-mail to to be subscribed. Q: I found a bug! A: See below. Q: Does it handle cgis? A: In a manner of speaking. The default is to just execute the cgi and save the result. Instead you can also let all references to cgis be ignored and let the point back to the original site. This requires use of a config file and directives like: Ignore: *.cgi Ignore: *-cgi Q: Does it handle imagemaps? A: It does handle client side imagemaps, but not server side imagemaps. Server side imagemaps can be handled like cgis, they point back to the original site: Ignore: *.map Q: Does it handle Applets/java/activeX? A: Only if the "codebase" directory is browseable and contains all objects the applet needs, and if all the other URL attributes in the OBJECT/APPLET tag are relative to the codebase. Support for this will be made more complete in a (near) future release. Q: Does it handle CSSes (Cascading Style Sheets)? A: Limited support, in the sense that the CSSes are retrived but are not examined to find and/or edit URLs.