PROPAGANDA: See for propaganda. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I get a new version of w3mir? A: The w3mir homepage is at W3mir is also distributed on CPAN: Q: Are there any mailing lists? A: Yes, see below. Q: Should I subscribe to any of the mailinglists? A: Yes, if you use w3mir at all you should subscribe to, send e-mail to to be subscribed. Q: I found a bug! A: See below. Q: How do it... A: There is a w3mir-HOWTO.html file in the distribution. Read it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS: - -lc switch does not work too well. Please see below for how to report bugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES (NOT bugs): - URLs with two /es ('//') in the path component does not work as some might expect. According to my reading of the http/url spec. it is an illegal construct, which is a Good Thing, because I don't know how to handle it if it's legal. - If you start at http://foo/bar/ then index.html might be gotten twice. - Some documents point to a point above the server root, i.e., http://some.server/../stuff.html. Netscape, and other browsers, in defiance of the URL standard documents will change the URL to http://some.server/stuff.html. W3mir will not. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIL LISTS, REPORTING BUGS: Please send ideas (see todo lists further down please) and bug reports to, please include URL and command line/config file that triggered the bug. is mainly used for announcing new versions or bugs to w3mir users. You will get more information following that list than anywhere else. And it's very low volume. To subscribe to these lists email The w3mir-core list is intended for w3mir hackers only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGTHS: w3mir,, and are free but it is Copyrighted by the various involved hackers. If you want to copy, hack or distribte w3mir you can do that providing you comply with the 'Artistic License' enclosed in the w3mir distribution in the file named Artistic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS: - Oscar Nierstrasz: Wrote htget - Gorm Haug Eriksen: Started w3mir on the foundations of htget, contributed code later. - Nicolai Langfeldt: Learning from Oscar and Gorms mistakes, rewrote everything. - Chris Szurgot: Adapting to win32, good ideas and code contribs, Debugging. And criticism. - Ed Jordan: patch, debugging. - Rik Faith: Uses w3mir extensively, not shy about complaining and commenting and suggesting. - The libwww-perl author(s) that made adding some new featres ridicolously easy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO LIST: * TODO, version 1.1: Some of these are speculative, some others are very useful. - CSS parsing/support at the same level as HTML - Full support for APPLETS/OBJECT tags. - Alias rules. These would enable w3mir to map and to and know that the objects contained in these are all the same. Another use would be to mirror from a mirror instead of the _real_ site, since the original site to which you have references are on a slow link while the mirror is on a fast link. - FTP support (easy if through a http style ftp proxy, but is that what we want?) - SHTTP/SSL support - Add a 3rd argument to URL/Also that denotes the depth of documents to be retrived under each, this would autimatically generate fetch/ignore rules. How well these work would be dependent on the order of the URL/Also directives though. Must be documented. - Retrive recursively until N-th order links are reached. This differs siginificantly from directory recursion which we do now. When this is done w3mir should also know the difference between inline and external links, inline links should always be retrived. Trivia question: What order is needed to reach every findable document on the web from Yahoo? - Integrate with cvs or rcs (or other version controll system) to make retriver able to reproduce mirrored site for any given date. - Some text processing: Adding and removing text/sgml comments when suitable options and tags are found. Suggested by Ed Jordan. - Put retrival date-stamps as comments in html files, to document the when and how of how this document was retrived. - Example: If you're mirroring a site primarily to get to the papers, but the site has n versions of each paper:,, foo.dvi.gz foo.dvi.Z, foo.tar.gz, and you only need one version. Implement a way to get only one version of documents provided in multipele versions, something like multi axis preference list to get only the most attractive version of the doc. - Logging of retrivals to file, need to change every print to a functioncall. - Your suggestion here. * TODO, http related - Use Keep-alive. Then we should probably stop using 30 second pauses between document retrivals. - HTTP/1.1? HTTP/1.1 servers should do keep-alive even with 1.0 requests. - Separate quenes for each server, interleave requests. - Authentication is only done if challenged now. If a document in a directory needs authentication it is very likely that all other documents in that directory and subdirectories require authentication. * If perl gets threads: - Make the retrival and analysis engines separate threads, and have each one retrival thread pr. method/server/port and do paralell retrivals. - This makes http/1.1 easier too.