------------------------------------ XBase and DBD::XBase ------------------------------------ This is the README file for the XBase and DBD::XBase packages. Module XBase provides access to XBase data files, namely .dbf and .dbt. It provides "native" Perl interface to the table's content. Currently only the basic tables (dbf) and memo fields in dbt files are supported. The goal wasn't to write database engine but simply a parser. If you are looking for something more powerfull for your data than just this conversion tool, look (for example) for MySQL or Postgres. The man page XBase(3) is included. DBD::XBase is a database driver for Perl DBI interface. It talks to XBase module that actually accesses the data. Currently only SELECT command is supported. This module is not ready yet but any comments are welcome. Once more, this is a module to parse and update XBase files, not a db engine. It is provided in a hope you might find it usefull. My intent is to support as meny variations of formats as possible, but I do not have dBase/Fox* and do not plan to have, so send me examples of your data files if you feel your native XBase engines produce data incompatible with this module. Installation: Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the DBD-XBase-* directory. Then do perl Makefile.PL make make test make install or you can use CPAN module and just type "install XBase". You really should have 5.004 to run cool. Problems: If anything goes wrong when installing, please send me output of you installation messages and of make test TEST_VERBOSE=1. If there are error when actually running it on your data, please send me the messages (errstr) and if possible, you data files that cause the problems. Available: http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/perl/ and from your favorite CPAN site. Copyright: (c) 1997 Jan Pazdziora, adelton@fi.muni.cz. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.