------------------------------------ XBase and DBD::XBase ------------------------------------ This is the README file for the XBase and DBD::XBase packages. Please read it if you install this module for the first time or if there are some problems with the module. Module XBase provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files, namely dbf, dbt, fpt, ndx and ntx. It provides native Perl interface ($table->get_record, $table->update_record) to read and write the tables. Module DBD::XBase is a DBI driver that uses the XBase module to work with the data, providing you with DBI compliant processing interface and SQL commands ($dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TABLE")). As an argument to DBI->connect, specify "dbi:XBase:$dir", where $dir is the directory with the data files. So this package offers two ways of accessing your beloved data in dbf files: XBase and DBD::XBase. You are free to pick any you find more suitable for your project, I personally prefer the DBD::XBase. No other servers/software are needed, these modules directly read and write the files. The main goal was to create a parser, mainly to work with data from your legacy applications. If you are looking for something more powerfull, check real relation database servers, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. The distribution also includes a dbfdump script that prints the content of the table in readable form. The support for ndx/ntx index files is rather minimal. It currently allows you to search directly to the record you want, in the XBase module. But you cannot create the index, nor is the index updated when you change the dbf. Check the eg/ directory for how you can help to make it better. You have to have Perl version 5.004. [Please do not ask me to make these modules work under 5.003 or older version -- upgrade instead.] You need a DBI module version at least 1.0 to use the DBD driver. If you have older DBI and cannot upgrade for some reason, check the CPAN for DBD::XBase version < 0.090. Those are the last versions that do not require DBI 1.0. [Please do not ask me to make this line of DBD::XBase work under older DBI's -- it will not work. Please do not ask me to make the DBD::XBase work without DBI -- it will not work. Use the XBase interface or install the DBI module. (This may seem rude but I only try to avoid missunderstanding and unhappiness -- on both sides ;-)] This module is provided in a hope you might find it usefull. My intent is to support as many variations of formats as possible, but I do not have dBase/Fox* and do not plan to have, so send me examples of your data files if you feel your native XBase engines produce data incompatible with this module. Man pages for XBase, DBD::XBase and dbfdump are included, examples of little scripts can also be found in eg/ directory of the distribution. Read the DBI man page for DBI specific issues. Installation: Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the DBD-XBase-* directory. Then do perl Makefile.PL make make test make install or you can use CPAN module and do perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install DBD::XBase You have to have Perl version 5.004. You need a DBI module version 1.0 or higher to use the DBD driver. Some people asked whether it is possible to use the module even if they do not have root access. Even if this is in sufficient detail covered in the docs that come with Perl, here's the process: You install the module perl Makefile.PL LIB=/your/directory \ INSTALLMAN1DIR=/path/for/man1 \ INSTALLMAN3DIR=/path/for/man3 instead of just perl Makefile.PL, and in your scripts do use lib '/your/directory'; use XBase; Some people asked how to use this module when they are not able to run make on their system. Even if it's beyond my understanding why somebody would want to use such system, you are free to just copy the lib/ directory where you want it to have. This should work. (BTW: some systems have make renamed and do not take the time to make a symlink. Ask your system administrator.) Problems and bug reports: If anything goes wrong when installing/make test, please send me output of your installation messages and of make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 Each version of the module is tested on IRIX, Linux and Solaris before releasing but surely there might be situation where something is corrupted on other platforms. If you send me reasonable output, these errors are typically fixed in a matter of hours (unless I'm gone for a vacation). If there are errors when actually using the module on your data, please check first that it's really a XBase/DBD::XBase problem. If so, please send me example of your script, the errstr messages you get and (if possible) your data files that cause the problems, so that I can trace down the problem. Add info about your OS, version of Perl and other modules that might be relevant. You can of course also send patches to actual bugs. Mention the word "XBase" in the Subject line, otherwise your post will probably just slip through my 1 MB daily email load without even being read. Please note that I'm _very_ busy, so try to help me to help you by using the latest version of the module, minimalizing the script code that causes you problems, providing me with tiny sample of datafile, anything that might be related. Detailed description and small examples are the best. For general Perl issues, use the comp.lang.perl.m* newsgroups, for DBI issues, use dbi-users@fugue.com. If it works for you: I'd appreciate any message if you use the module and find it usefull -- I'm just curious what tasks people use the module for and what they expect from it. You can of course also send something more valuable. Available: http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/perl/ and from your favorite CPAN site in the authors/id/JANPAZ/ directory. Copyright: (c) 1997--1999 Jan Pazdziora, adelton@fi.muni.cz. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.