DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is a binary version of Doug MacEachern's mod_perl, built for Win32. This binary is concurrent with version 1.15 of mod_perl. Mod_perl is an extremely useful module for the Apache HTTP server. It allows you to: achieve a significant speed increase over CGI, configure your web server entirely in Perl, use Perl to intervene in any stage of an HTTP request, etc. This from the mod_perl README: "The Apache/Perl integration project brings together the full power of the Perl programming language and the Apache HTTP server. This is achieved by linking the Perl runtime library into the server and providing an object oriented Perl interface to the server's C language API. "These pieces are seamlessly glued together by the `mod_perl' server plugin, making it is possible to write Apache modules entirely in Perl. In addition, the persistent interpreter embedded in the server avoids the overhead of starting an external interpreter program and the additional Perl start-up (compile) time." WHERE TO FIND: -------------- This mod_perl binary and the original sources can be found at any CPAN ftp site under: .../CPAN/modules/by-module/Apache/ .../CPAN/modules/by-category/15_World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/Apache/ .../CPAN/modules/by-authors/Jeffrey_Baker Look for the file To find the CPAN site nearest you, go to PREREQUISITES: -------------- To use this binary of mod_perl, you need at least the following software: Windows NT 4.0 sp3 Apache 1.3.1 ( Perl 5.004_04 ( ...and an Intel processor. This binary was built using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 on Windows NT 4.0 (Build 1381) Sevice Pack 3. It has been tested on this platform only, and is not garaunteed to run on Windows 95. If you successfully use this binary on Windows 95, please let me know at INSTALLATION: ------------- This archive includes both the binary mod_perl library and the required perl side of mod_perl. To install, extract this archive to a temporary location and copy the perl\lib\ tree to your Perl top level directory (e.g. c:\perl). **BE CAREFUL NOT TO CLOBBER YOUR PERL LIB TREE!** Then, simply move apache\modules\ApacheModulePerl.dll to the modules directory under your apache tree (e.g. c:\apache\modules\) To use mod_perl, you will need to add the following line to your httpd.conf: LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl Please consult README for more info. CAVEATS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS: --------------------------- For some reason, rand() is completely broken on mod_perl under Win32. Don't use it unless you want the same number everytime. Apache 1.3.1 still won't start as a service. Although, you can use srvany.exe to beat it into submission. FURTHER INFO: ------------- For comments, questions, bug-reports, announcements, etc., join the Apache/Perl mailing list by sending mail to with the string "subscribe modperl" in the body. There is a hypermail archive for this list available from: The mod_perl FAQ is available from: For more general information see the Apache/Perl homepage: or For comments or questions about this binary distribution ONLY, please email