#Galileo CMS Galileo CMS is my first attempt at a Perl CMS using Mojolicious, Bootstrap, Pagedown and DBIx::Class/SQLite. It uses client-side markdown rendering and websockets for saving page data without reloading. #Installing from CPAN Galileo is now available from CPAN! Have a fully running CMS in these short commands $ cpanm Galileo $ galileo setup $ hypnotoad `which galileo` Hypnotoad is Mojolcious' production server. Check for the server on port `:8080`. #Running from a local clone To start you will need to install a few Perl modules. Do so by installing the dependencies specified in the file `Build.PL`. If you have `cpanm` this is as easy as $ cpanm --installdeps . If you don't have `cpanm` (and you should), you may $ perl Build.PL $ ./Build installdeps After that, in order to create the database, simply run $ ./bin/galileo setup which will create the sqlite database file in the root of the distribution. In the process it will ask for a username and password for your admin user. This password is no longer stored in clear text! From there start the server by running $ morbo bin/galileo you should now be able to visit the site at [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). This is by no means a complete project, any comments/pull requests are welcome. Galileo CMS is copyright 2012 Joel Berger Galileo CMS is released under the same terms as Perl (Artistic 2.0)