Digest::SHA2 ============ SHA-2 is the collective name of one-way hash functions developed by the NIST. SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 pertains to hashes whose outputs are 256 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits, respectively. This Perl implementation is meant to be a replacement for the older SHA256 by Rafael R. Sevilla. His module has a bug in the SHA-256 implementation. This new implementation uses the C source of Aaron Gifford. BONUS The C file, _sha2.c, is a standalone SHA-2 implementation. To compile it, type: gcc -Wall _sha2.c A new binary, a.out, will be created. To run the binary, type: ./a.out COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2003 Julius C. Duque. Please read contact.html that comes with this distribution for details on how to contact the author. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the GNU General Public License.