NAME XBee::API - Object-oriented Perl interface to Digi XBee module API mode. EXAMPLE A basic example: use XBee::API; use Data::Dumper; my $api = XBee::API->new( { device => '/dev/ttyU0' } ) || die $!; die "Failed to transmit" unless $api->tx( { dest_h => 0, dest_l => 0 }, 'hello world!' ); my $rx = $api->rx(); die Dumper($rx); SYNOPSIS XBee::API is a module designed to encapsulate the Digi XBee API in object- oriented Perl. This module expects to communicate with an XBee module using the API firmware via a serial (or serial over USB) device. This module is currently a work in progress and thus the API may change in the future. LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. CONSTANTS A single set of constants, ':xbee_flags', can be imported. These constants all represent various XBee flags, such as packet types and broadcast addresses. See the XBee datasheet for details. The following constants are available: XBEE_API_TYPE__MODEM_STATUS XBEE_API_TYPE__AT_COMMAND XBEE_API_TYPE__AT_COMMAND_QUEUE_PARAMETER_VALUE XBEE_API_TYPE__AT_COMMAND_RESPONSE XBEE_API_TYPE__REMOTE_COMMAND_REQUEST XBEE_API_TYPE__REMOTE_COMMAND_RESPONSE XBEE_API_TYPE__ZIGBEE_TRANSMIT_REQUEST XBEE_API_TYPE__EXPLICIT_ADDRESSING_ZIGBEE_COMMAND_FRAME XBEE_API_TYPE__ZIGBEE_TRANSMIT_STATUS XBEE_API_TYPE__ZIGBEE_RECEIVE_PACKET XBEE_API_TYPE__ZIGBEE_EXPLICIT_RX_INDICATOR XBEE_API_TYPE__ZIGBEE_IO_DATA_SAMPLE_RX_INDICATOR XBEE_API_TYPE__XBEE_SENSOR_READ_INDICATOR_ XBEE_API_TYPE__NODE_IDENTIFICATION_INDICATOR XBEE_API_BROADCAST_ADDR_H XBEE_API_BROADCAST_ADDR_L XBEE_API_BROADCAST_NA_UNKNOWN_ADDR XBEE_API_TYPE_TO_STRING The above should be self explanatory (with the help of the datasheet). The constant "XBEE_API_TYPE_TO_STRING" is a hashref keyed by the numeric id of the packet type with the value being the constant name, to aid in debugging. METHODS new Object constructor. Accepts a single parameter, a hashref of options. The following options are recognized: device Required. The device entry to open (to be passed to Device::SerialPort). Example:: /dev/ttyU0 packet_timeout Optional, defaults to 20. Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a read to complete. Smaller values cause the module to wait less time for a packet to be received by the XBee module. Setting this value too low will cause timeouts to be reported in situations where the network is "slow". at Send an AT command to the module. Accepts two parameters, the first is the AT command name (as two-character string), and the second is the expected data for that command (if any). See the XBee datasheet for a list of supported AT commands and expected data for each. Returns the frame ID sent for this packet. To retrieve the reply (if any), call rx(). tx Sends a transmit request to the XBee. Accepts two parameters, the first is the endpoint address and the second the data to be sent. Endpoint addresses should be specified as a hashref containing the following keys: dest_h The high 32-bits of the destination address. dest_l The low 32-bits of the destination address. dest_na The destination network address. The meaning of these addresses can be found in the XBee datasheet. Note: In the future, a XBee::API::Node object will be an acceptable parameter. Return values depend on calling context. In scalar context, true or false will be returned representing transmission acknowledgement by the remote XBee device. In array context, the first return value is the delivery status (as set in the transmit status packet and documented in the datasheet), and the second is the actual transmit status packet (as a hashref) itself. No retransmissions will be attempted by this module, but the XBee device itself will likely attempt retransmissions as per its configuration (and subject to whether or not the packet was a "broadcast"). rx Accepts no parameters. Receives a packet from the XBee module. This packet may be a transmission from a remote XBee node or a control packet from the local XBee module. If no packet is received before the timeout period expires, undef is returned. Returned packets will be as a hashref of the packet data, broken out by key for easy access. Note, as this module is a work in progress, not every XBee packet type is supported. Callers should check the "api_type" key to determine the type of the received packet. CHANGES 0.2, 20101206 - jeagle Initial release to CPAN.