DBIx-HTML ========= SQL queries to HTML tables. This module is an adapter between the older DBIx::XHTML_Table and the newer Spreadsheet::HTML. It will eventually only leverage the latter, essentially providing HTML output while allowing the former to continue to provide XHTML output. The goal is to slowly move usage away from DBIx::XHTML_Table and over to DBIx::HTML and Spreadsheet::HTML while allowing DBIx::XHTML_Table to remain available for legacy purposes. See [DBIx::XHTML_Table](http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-XHTML_Table/) and [Spreadsheet::HTML](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Spreadsheet-HTML/) for more information. Installation ------------ To install this module, you may run the [classic CPAN process](http://perldoc.perl.org/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.html#Default-Makefile-Behaviour): ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` Synopsis -------- New usage is currently limited. No database queries are executed on behalf of the client currently, but this will change. For now, focus is on allowing legacy usage to continue as-is. ```perl my $table = DBIx::HTML->new( data => $data ); print $table->generate; print $table->transpose; print $table->reverse; ``` DBIx::HTML should be a full replacement for DBIx::XHTML_Table. ```perl use DBIx::HTML; # database credentials - fill in the blanks my @creds = ( $data_source, $usr, $pass ); my $table = DBIx::HTML->new( @creds ) $table->exec_query(" select foo from bar where baz='qux' order by foo "); print $table->output; # stackable method calls: print DBIx::HTML ->new( @creds ) ->exec_query('select foo,baz from bar') ->output; ``` Support and Documentation ------------------------- After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. ``` perldoc DBIx::HTML ``` You can also look for information at [Search CPAN](http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-HTML/) License and Copyright --------------------- See [source POD](/lib/DBIx/HTML.pm).