Spreadsheet-HTML ================ HTML tables from arrays (with transpositions). ALPHA RELEASE ------------- While most functionality for this module has been completed, that final 10% takes 90% of the time ... there is still much todo: * emit col, colgroup, thead, tbody and caption tags * map client functions to cells * assign attrs to td tags by row * do that nifty rotating attr value trick See [DBIx::XHTML_Table](http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-XHTML_Table/) if you need a production ready solution and check back soon. Synopsis -------- ```perl use Spreadsheet::HTML; my $data = [ [qw(header1 header2 header3)], [qw(foo bar baz)], [qw(one two three)], [qw(col1 col2 col3)], ]; my $table = Spreadsheet::HTML->new( data => $data ); print $table->generate; print $table->transpose; print $table->reverse; print Spreadsheet::HTML::generate( $data ); print Spreadsheet::HTML::transpose( $data ); print Spreadsheet::HTML::reverse( $data ); ``` Installation ------------ To install this module, you should use CPAN. A good starting place is [How to install CPAN modules](http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html). If you truly want to install from this github repo, then be sure and create the manifest before you test and install: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make manifest make test make install ``` Support and Documentation ------------------------- After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. ``` perldoc Spreadsheet::HTML ``` You can also find documentation at [metaCPAN](https://metacpan.org/pod/Spreadsheet::HTML). License and Copyright --------------------- See [source POD](/lib/Spreadsheet/HTML.pm).