Parse::Lex NOTE: If you are having trouble with Parse::Lex, then know that you are not alone. It seemed to compile on my devel computer, but NOWHERE else. :) There is a ParseLex-2.15.patch including in this distro. Try it. Oh, great... yet another SGF parser? 1) Yeah. Well, Games::Go::SGF didn't really do what I want. 2) sgf2misc is *gasp* closed source (mostly) 3) I wanted to learn SGF 4) Parse::Lex is neat 5) This one uses GD (well, will use)! 6) This one produces data that you can use in your own programs! as_perl() and node_list() returns cool perl structures that you can use in your own programs. I don't think I could have done this stuff with the obvious choice, Games::Go::SGF. I'm tired of enumerating. Basically, this module reads in SGFs and produces useable output in dozens (2 so far) of formats. Later: I really wanted to use a Grammer with the Lexer. Turns out, Games::Go::SGF uses a grammer with Parse::RecDescent. Suddenly I begin to wonder why I didn't just use that module afterall. Heh. I am now aware, that I have re-invented the wheel. *sigh* Oh well! Have fun!