NAME CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter - format Perl package names as kwiki links SYNOPSIS In the kwiki's config file: formatter_class: CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter In the source of a kwiki page: [{CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter}] will become a link !{CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter} will not become a link DESCRIPTION CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter extends CGI::Kwiki::Formatter to make it easier to create kwiki links out of Perl package names. The default kwiki markup would take the following source: * CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter * [CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter] * !CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter and output the following HTML: None of which are links to a page named after the package. Using CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter, the following source: * [{CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter}] * !{CGI::Kwiki::PerlPkgFormatter} produces the correct HTML markup: SEE ALSO CGI::Kwiki, the KwikiFormattingRules page of an installed kwiki. AUTHOR James FitzGibbon COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003, James FitzGibbon. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See