NAME DBIx::Mint - Yet another light-weight ORM for Perl VERSION This documentation refers to DBIx::Mint 0.01 SYNOPSIS Define your classes, which will play the role DBIx::Mint::Table: package Bloodbowl::Team; use Moo; with 'DBIx::Mint::Table'; has id => (is => 'rw' ); has name => (is => 'rw' ); ... Nearby (probably in a module of its own), you define the schema for your classes: package Bloodbowl::Schema; my $schema = DBIx::Mint->instance->schema; $schema->add_class( class => 'Bloodbowl::Team', table => 'teams', pk => 'id', auto_pk => 1, ); $schema->add_class( class => 'Bloodbowl::Player', table => 'players', pk => 'id', is_auto_pk => 1, ); # This is a one-to-many relationship $schema->one_to_many( conditions => ['Bloodbowl::Team', { id => 'team'}, 'Bloodbowl::Player'], method => 'get_players', inverse_method => 'get_team', ); And in your your scripts: use DBIx::Mint; use My::Schema; use DBI; # Connect to the database my $dbh = DBI->connect(...); my $mint = DBIx::Mint->instance( dbh => $dbh ); my $team = Bloodbowl::Team->find(1); my @players = $team->get_players; # Database modification methods include insert, update, and delete. # They act on a single object when called as instance methods # but over the whole table if called as class methods: $team->name('Los Invencibles'); $team->update; Bloodbowl::Coach->update( { status => 'suspended' }, { password => 'blocked' }); To find the documentation you need to set the schema and data modification methods, look into DBIx::Mint::Schema and DBIx::Mint::Table. Without a schema you can only fetch data. No data modification methods are offered. We have chainable methods for this: my $rs = DBIx::Mint::ResultSet->new( table => 'coaches' ); # Joins. This will retrieve all the players for coach #1 my @team_players = $rs->search( { '' => 1 } ) ->inner_join( 'teams', { '' => 'coach' }) ->inner_join( 'players', { '' => 'team' }) ->all; See the docs for DBIx::Mint::ResultSet for all the methods you can use to retrieve data. Internally, relationships are declared in terms of ResultSet objects. DESCRIPTION DBIx::Mint is yet another object-relational mapping module for Perl. Its goals are: · To be simple to understand and use · To provide flexible, chaineable methods to fetch data from a database · To provide a flexible, powerful way to build relationships between classes · To play nice with your Moo classes (although we do treat your objects as hash references under the hood) · To be light on dependencies On the other side of the equation, it has some strong restrictions: · It supports a single database handle · While it uses roles (through Role::Tiny/Moo::Role), it does put a lot of methods on your namespace. See DBIx::Mint::Table for the list. DBIx::Mint::ResultSet does not mess with your namespace at all. · It only uses DBI for the database connection and it makes no effort to keep it alive for long-running processes. There are many ORMs for Perl. Most notably, you should look at DBIx::Class and DBIx::DataModel. DBIx::Lite is a light-weight alternative to those two, enterprise-level ORMs. This module is in its infancy and it is very likely to change and (gasp) risk is high that it will go unmaintained. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: * Perl version 5.10 or higher (to use given/when constructs and smart matching for array comparisons) * DBI * Moo * SQL::Abstract::More * MooX::Singleton * List::MoreUtils * Clone For testing, the following non-core modules are also used. These are not required: * Test::Warn * DBD::SQLite COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2013 by Julio Fraire This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.