CGI/Simple ========== NAME CGI::Simple - A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant IMPORTANT NOTE This is a beta. It has a extensive test suite that proves its compatibility with It has had reasonably widespread use but as always all care but no responsibility. YMMV. Please see the pod or the html version of this in the /html directory for full details. This file gets looked at rarely see the POD and CHANGES for more details. TESTING NOTE One of the test scripts in the /t dir is called concur.test It performs 158 (at last count) concurrency tests between your currently installed and This script is not automatically run during (n)make test as some test failures are generally expected and no one reads the README :-) I got sick of repeating there is a README did you READIT via email when quized about test failures. The typical test structure in concur.test is: $q = new CGI; $s = new CGI::Simple; $cgi = $q->method(); # scalar context $simp = $s->method(); @cgi = $q->method(); # array context @simp = $s->method(); ok ( $simp, $cgi ); ok ( (join'',@simp), (join'',@cgi) ); If you are using version 2.78 you should get no failures. If you are using earlier versions you can expect up to 13 failures (v2.43) due to various default changes, bug fixes and other changes in You get to see the difference in output between the two modules. Generally it is very minor stuff. You run the concurrency tests like this: perl concur.test | more INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you insist on doing a cut an paste install you will need to install the following files in the locations shown: usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Cgi/ usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Cgi/Simple/ usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Cgi/Simple/ usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Cgi/Simple/ On Win32 you will probably need to substitute something like C:\Perl\site\lib\ for usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/ Before installing any perl module on Win32 I recommend deactivating Norton Antivirus which conflicts with a lot of stuff, not just Perl and MakeMaker. If your system hangs when you try to install modules this is a probable cause. Then just: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install You can get a copy of nmake.exe from Microsoft at DEPENDENCIES Nothing outside standard distribution. Specifically: SelfLoader to minimise code compiled IO::File for file uploads (provides temp file name/filehandle) Data::Dumper for CGI::Simple object cloning, Dump(), PrintVariables(), and PrintEnv() SYNOPSIS use CGI::Simple; $CGI::Simple::POST_MAX = 1024; # max upload via post default 100kB $CGI::Simple::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0; # enable uploads $q = new CGI::Simple; $q = new CGI::Simple( { 'foo'=>'1', 'bar'=>[2,3,4] } ); $q = new CGI::Simple( 'foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4' ); $q = new CGI::Simple( \*FILEHANDLE ); $q->save( \*FILEHANDLE ); # save current object to a file as used by new @params = $q->param; # return all param names as a list $value = $q->param('foo'); # return the first value supplied for 'foo' @values = $q->param('foo'); # return all values supplied for foo %fields = $q->Vars; # returns untied key value pair hash $hash_ref = $q->Vars; # or as a hash ref %fields = $q->Vars("|"); # packs multiple values with "|" rather than "\0"; @keywords = $q->keywords; # return all keywords as a list $q->param( 'foo', 'some', 'new', 'values' ); # set new 'foo' values $q->param( -name=>'foo', -value=>'bar' ); $q->param( -name=>'foo', -value=>['bar','baz'] ); $q->param( 'foo', 'some', 'new', 'values' ); # append values to 'foo' $q->append( -name=>'foo', -value=>'bar' ); $q->append( -name=>'foo', -value=>['some', 'new', 'values'] ); $q->delete('foo'); # delete param 'foo' and all its values $q->delete_all; # delete everything $files = $q->upload() # number of files uploaded @files = $q->upload(); # names of all uploaded files $filename = $q->param('upload_file') # filename of uploaded file $size = $q->upload_info($filename); # size of uploaded file my $fh = $q->upload($filename); # get filehandle to read from while ( read( $fh, $buffer, 1024 ) ) { ... } # short and sweet upload $ok = $q->upload( $q->param('upload_file'), '/path/to/write/' ); print "Uploaded ".$q->param('upload_file')." and wrote it OK!" if $ok; $decoded = $q->url_decode($encoded); $encoded = $q->url_encode($unencoded); $escaped = $q->escapeHTML('<>"&'); $unescaped = $q->unescapeHTML('<>"&'); $qs = $q->query_string; # get all data in $q as a query string OK for GET $q->no_cache(1); # set Pragma: no-cache + expires print $q->header(); # print a simple header # get a complex header $header = $q->header( -type => 'image/gif' -nph => 1, -status => '402 Payment required', -expires =>'+24h', -cookie => $cookie, -charset => 'utf-7', -attachment => 'foo.gif', -Cost => '$2.00' ); @cookies = $q->cookie(); # get names of all available cookies $value = $q->cookie('foo') # get first value of cookie 'foo' @value = $q->cookie('foo') # get all values of cookie 'foo' # get a cookie formatted for header() method $cookie = $q->cookie( -name => 'Password', -values => ['superuser','god','my dog woofie'], -expires => '+3d', -domain => '', -path => '/cgi-bin/database', -secure => 1 ); print $q->header( -cookie=>$cookie ); # set cookie print $q->redirect(''); # print a redirect header dienice( $q->cgi_error ) if $q->cgi_error; DESCRIPTION CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement for It shares an identical OO interface to for parameter parsing, file upload, cookie handling and header generation. This module is entirely object oriented, however a complete functional interface is available by using the CGI::Simple::Standard module. Essentially everything in that relates to the CGI (not HTML) side of things is available. There are even a few new methods and additions to old ones! See the extensive pod for details. If you are interested in what has gone on under the hood see the Compatibility with section in the pod. EXPORT Nothing for object oriented interface. AUTOLOAD for method interface under -autoload pragma or requested methods. BUGS As this is 0.03 there are almost bound to be some. There is an extensive test suite and this module passes all the original tests which are also included in the /t dir. AUTHOR Dr James Freeman CREDITS The entire interface and key sections of code come from by Lincoln Stein. SEE ALSO by Lincoln Stein COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. Copyright (C) 2001 Dr James Freeman