package Test::Mock::Mango; use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = "0.02"; require ''; # Bit useless if you don't actually have mango use Test::Mock::Mango::FakeData; use Test::Mock::Mango::DB; use Test::Mock::Mango::Collection; $Test::Mock::Mango::data = Test::Mock::Mango::FakeData->new; $Test::Mock::Mango::error = undef; # If we're running with Test::Spec and in appropriate context # then use Test::Spec::Mocks to do our monkey patching. if (exists $INC{'Test/'} && Test::Spec->current_context) { use warnings 'redefine'; Mango->expects('db')->returns( state $db = Test::Mock::Mango::DB->new); } else { no warnings 'redefine'; eval( q|*Mango::db = sub{state $db = Test::Mock::Mango::DB->new}| ); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Test::Mock::Mango - Simple stubbing for Mango to allow unit tests for code that uses it =for html =head1 SYNOPSIS # Using Test::More # use Test::More; use Test::Mock::Mango; # Stubs in effect! # ... done_testing(); # Using Test::Spec (uses Test::Spec::Mocks) # use Test::Spec; describe "Whilst stubbing Mango" => { require Test::Mock::Mango; # Stubs in effect in scope! # ... }; runtests unless caller; =head1 DESCRIPTION Simple stubbing of mango methods. Methods ignore actual queries being entered and simply return the data set in the FakeData object. To run a test you need to set up the data you expect back first - this module doesn't test your queries, it allows you to test around mango calls with known conditions. =head1 STUBBED METHODS The following methods are available on each faked part of the mango. We describe here briefly how far each actually simulates the real method. Each method supports blocking and non-blocking syntax if the original method does. Non-blocking ops are not actually non blocking but simply execute your callback straight away as there's nothing to actually go off and do on an event loop. All methhods by default execute without error state. =head2 Collection L =head3 aggregate Ignores query. Returns current collection documents to simulate an aggregated result. =head3 create Doesn't really do anything. =head3 drop Doesn't really do anything. =head3 find_one Ignores query. Returns the first document from the current fake collection given in L. Returns undef if the collection is empty. =head3 find Ignores query. Returns a new L instance. =head3 full_name Returns full name of the fake collection. =head3 insert Naively inserts the given doc(s) onto the end of the current fake collection. Returns an C for each inserted document. If an C<_id> is specifiec in the inserted doc then it is returned, otherwise a new L is returned instead. =head3 update Doesn't perform a real update. You should set the data state in C<$Test::Mock::Mango::data> before making the call to be what you expect after the update. =head3 remove Doesn't remove anything. =head2 Cursor L =head3 all Return array ref containing all the documents in the current fake collection. =head3 next Simulates a cursor by (beginning at zero) iterating through each document on successive calls. Won't reset itself. If you want to reset the cursor then set Cindex> to zero. =head3 count Returns the number of documents in the current fake collection. =head3 backlog Arbitarily returns 'C<2>' =head1 TESTING ERROR STATES L gives you the ability to simulate errors from your mango calls. Simply set the C var before the call: $Test::Mock::Mango::error = 'oh noes!'; The next call will then run in an error state as if a real error has occurred. The C var is automatically cleared with the call so you don't need to C it afterwards. =head1 AUTHOR J Gregory =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut