NAME App::Garmin::AutoImport - Import data from a Garmin device VERSION 0.90 DESCRIPTION The "garmin-autoimport" application is used to import data from a Garmin device such as the Forerunner 305, but will work with any other Garmin device supported by garmin-forerunner-tools . The application is supposed to be autostarted in a destop environment (such as Ubuntu ). It will then detect when a Garmin device is connected and start downloading new track logs from the device and save them to "Documents/garmin" in the current user's home directory. This program can also be installed from a debian package. This is highly suggested, since the Perl modules required to run this application might be difficult to install, even with tools like cpanm. The debian package can be found here: SYNOPSIS use App::Garmin::AutoImport; exit App::Garmin::AutoImport->new->run; Or use the "garmin-autoimport" application bundled to this package. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES * NO_NOTIFICATIONS Will not load Gtk2::Notify and will not send notifications to the desktop environment. * GARMIN_ID_VENDOR Set this if you got a Garmin device which does not have the USB vendor ID "0x091e". ATTRIBUTES id_product Returns the USB ID of the Garmin product. Default is 0. id_vendor Returns the USB ID of the Garmin vendor. Default is the "GARMIN_ID_VENDOR" "ENVIRONMENT" variable. METHODS new $self = $class->new(\%args); $self = $class->new(%args); Object constructor. %args can have: * id_product Defaults to 0, which enable it to be set by "auto_detect_device". * id_vendor Defaults to "GARMIN_ID_VENDOR". * output_dir Defaults to "$ENV{HOME}/Documents/garmin". auto_detect_device $self->auto_detect_device; This method starts by checking if a Garmin device is already connected. If not found, it will check for a new device and use the first that is found. This method sets "id_product" and id_vendor. notify $self->notify($message); $self->notify($title, $message); Notify the user using Gtk2::Notify which sends popup notifictions to the desktop environment. run $self->run; Will run the application inside a never ending loop. Calls "auto_detect_device" until "id_product" is detected and starts "garmin_save_runs" once the Garmin device is connected. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""