NAME App::git::ship - Git command for shipping your project VERSION 0.01 DESCRIPTION App::git::ship is a "git" command for shipping your project to CPAN or some other repository. SYNOPSIS For end user $ git ship -h For developer package App::git::ship::some_language; use App::git::ship -base; # define attributes has some_attribute => sub { my $self = shift; return "default value"; }; # override the methods defined in App::git::ship sub build { my $self = shift; } 1; ATTRIBUTES config $hash_ref = $self->config; Holds the configuration from end user. The config is by default read from ".ship.conf" in the root of your project. next_version $str = $self->next_version; Holds the next version to "ship". project_name $str = $self->project_name; Holds the name of the current project. This attribute can be read from "config". repository $str = $self->repository; Returns the URL to the first repository that point to github . This attribute can be read from "config". silent $bool = $self->silent; $self = $self->silent($bool); Set this to true if you want less logging. By default it silent is false. METHODS abort $self->abort($str); $self->abort($format, @args); Will abort the application run with an error message. attr $class = $class->attr($name => sub { my $self = shift; return $default_value }); or ... use App::git::ship -base; has $name => sub { my $self = shift; return $default_value }; Used to create an attribute with a lazy builder. build This method builds the project. The default behavior is to "abort". Need to be overridden in the subclass. can_handle_project $bool = $class->can_handle_project($file); This method is called by "detect" in App::git::ship and should return boolean true if this module can handle the given git project. This is a class method which gets a file as input to detect or have to auto-detect from current working directory. detect $class = $self->detect; $class = $self->detect($file); Will detect the module which can be used to build the project. This can be read from the "class" key in "config" or will in worse case default to App::git::ship. init This method is called when initializing the project. The default behavior is to populate "config" with default data: * bugtracker URL to the bug tracker. Will be the the "repository" URL without ".git", but with "/issues" at the end instead. * homepage URL to the project homepage. Will be the the "repository" URL, without ".git". * license The name of the license. Default to artistic_2 . See "license" in CPAN::Meta::Spec for alternatives. new $self = $class->new(%attributes); Creates a new instance of $class. render $self->render($file, \%args); Used to render a template by the name $file to a $file. The template need to be defined in the "DATA" section of the current class or one of the super classes. ship This method ships the project to some online repository. The default behavior is to make a new tag and push it to "repository". system $self->system($program, @args); Same as perl's "system()", but provides error handling and logging. test This method test the project. The default behavior is to "abort". Need to be overridden in the subclass. import use App::git::ship; use App::git::ship -base; Called when this class is used. It will automatically enable strict, warnings, utf8 and Perl 5.10 features. "-base" will also make sure the calling class inherit from App::git::ship and gets the has function. SEE ALSO * Dist::Zilla This project can probably get you to the moon. * Minilla This looks really nice for shipping your project. It has the same idea as this distribution: Guess as much as possible. * Shipit One magical tool for doing it all in one bang. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""